[a simplistic full-body design of Stonefur]

The Most Underrated and Overrated Cats and Why by -Flamesong-

-Flamesong- discusses who they think are the most underrated and overrated cats.

[a simplistic full-body design of Stonefur]
Art by toboe5tails
[a simplistic full-body design of Stonefur]

Hello! I’m discussing the most underrated and overrated cats. I will list at least 3 cats for each category, ranking them from 1 to 3 (or more). Agree with me if you will!

First off, overrated cats.

3. Twigbranch. I honestly don’t like her that much. She’s insensitive and a bit- well mouse-brained. She has loving parents, an awesome clan, while Violetshine, on the other hand, has a life with less better circumstances. I can’t see why people would like Twigbranch more than Violetshine. (I’m talking about the time when they were apprentices and kits).

2. Jayfeather. Why does the fandom like him so much? He’s so grumpy, and he’s kinda mean. You may be blind, but that doesn’t give you the right to be so angry and a jerk. He doesn’t have sympathy or empathy, he just makes sure everyone knows what he is feeling: snappy and angry. Only a few times have I seen him actually be nice.

1. Firestar. Don’t get me wrong, this guy is great. I love that he and his friends were always finding out something and getting into trouble. And he’s pretty loyal, too. When he helped Ravenpaw, by making him live with Barley, and covering Graystripe when he was seeing Silverstream, even though he didn’t like. I love those qualites. But, the thing is, he is waaayyyyyy too much prioritized. He was in the spotlight for too long. And, can I talk about how he looked forward to seeing Spottedleaf, and- smelling her!!! Like, Firestar, you have a mate, Sandstorm. Fall in love with someone who is alive. Poor Sandstorm, never knew a thing.

Next, underrated cats!

4. Violetshine. Please tell me you agree! Violetshine is an awesome she-cat. And she endured through tough times and pressure while you have Twigbranch, who doesn’t consider why Violetshine would injure her.

3. Whiteclaw. You gotta admit, Whiteclaw is a decent character. (and if someone agrees with me, Whiteclaw’s death was an accident; Graystripe is not a murderer). I really thought that he was underrated in Leopardstar’s Honor. He’s a good character.

2. Stonefur. I think that any cat would kill Feathertail and Stormtail if Tigerstar told them to; almost every cat fears him. Stonefur refused! It was such a selfless sacrifice for those two to stay alive. Stonefur was a really great warrior who stood his ground and listened, not to Tigerstar, but to Leopardstar, and that is why he is underrated.

1. Brightheart. I love Brightheart. Brightheart is such a good hunter, and the fact she had to endure her face being clawed of and being humiliated by it? That makes her better in every way. Of course, Cloudtail helped her, too.

That’s it! Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think in the comments!

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