[in a painted art style, Bluestar sits proudly among the forest foliage]

Rating heroes by Dawnpaw

Dawnpaw rates some of the heroes of the Warriors series.

[in a painted art style, Bluestar sits proudly among the forest foliage]
Art by Moonstoner1096 (Reddit)
[in a painted art style, Bluestar sits proudly among the forest foliage]

Hi everyone! This is my first published article (my other ones didn’t have enough words) If I get something wrong please let me know in the comments. In this article I will be rating heroes in warriors.

I’ve heard a lot of “Bluestar gave away her kits for no reason! Thistleclaw wasn’t even evil, she just thought he was.” (WRONG) Or “Thistleclaw wasn’t evil at all, Bluestar just wanted to be deputy.” (ALSO WRONG) Goosefeather and Bluestar (I should probably use Bluefur because she was bluefur at the time) saw blood running down Thistleclaw’s pelt. It happened after Bluestar had her kits. Thistleclaw glared at Bluefur when he saw she was looking at him. Then, to save the clan from Thistleclaw Bluefur gave the kits to Oakheart in Riverclan. Mosskit died from the cold but Mistykit and Stonekit survived. Though if you think about it, if Bluestar had a mate in Thunderclan then Thistleclaw would be leader when her kits became apprentices. I need to stop now or this would be a whole entire article.
Final rating: 8/10
PS: I want to give her a 9 but that would be cheating because I’m just giving her that because she is my favorite character

I think this guy is overrated. He saved the clan from Tigerstar. Only did bad things to help other cats for example: finding and giving food to yellowfang. Like he doesn’t do anything bad. Which is really boring. It’s not like I want him to be evil, I just want him to be more realistic. I don’t have really anything else to say so it’s rating time.
Final rating: To be nice I’ll give him a 4

My second favorite character. Dovewing always found prey faster than her. If Ivypool did, it was because Dovewing let her. Suddenly a mysterious cat comes and offers to train her. She immediately says yes, in hopes of outperforming Dovewing. She sees cats from past and present training. (I don’t get the past part, wouldn’t the past cats be in starclan or dark forest? I’m confused.) But when she learns the real reason they are trained.She vows never to go again. But then two particular cats (Lionblaze and Jayfeather) recruit her to spy. So fast forward there is a war with the trained cats and Hawkfrost is about to kill her but Hollyleaf saves her. And the clans win against the dark forest. Oh and by the way Firestar dies from Tigerstar but he kills him at the same time.
Final rating: 9/10


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