Happy Birthday, Amethystpaw!

Clip art of festive bunting

I’m back again, folks! We’ve got some more partying scheduled for today, ‘cause it’s Amethystpaw’s birthday!

Happy birthday, Amethystpaw!

All the amethyst-themed cakes I could find were practically identical, so for the sake of variety I chose an amethyst-coloured one instead – I hope you don’t mind!

A purple cake with piped embellishments on top. There are several edible pearls scattered throughout the frosting. A slice is missing, and is sitting on a plate in the bottom right hand corner of the image.

Very pretty! And very purple…

Well! I’m sure you know the drill by now, and if you don’t, you’ll pick it up soon enough. I have to ask you your very own set of Birthday Questions, including (but not limited to): How are you planning to spend the day? Are you gonna be having some cake in real life, or something else, maybe? How about gifts, if that’s how you happen to celebrate – do you know what you’re getting, or is it a surprise? Plenty to fill us in on if you’d like, Amethyst! I’d be stoked to hear all about it! =D Happy birthday again, and I hope you have a fantastic time.

Oh! And before you go, there’s a gift for you from Emeraldpaw:

For Amethystpaw, my beloved and dear friend, here’s an acrostic poem:












And remember, Emmy

To me

You will always


My friend

🌘 Nettlespring 🎻

(Don't let the moon change your mind! 🌙)