[Firestar's family tree up until Omen of the Stars]

FireStar’ family tree by CherryTail

CherryTail lists out Firestar’s family tree.

[Firestar's family tree up until Omen of the Stars]
Artist unknown
[Firestar’s family tree up until Omen of the Stars]

Okay this is my first article I just joined yesterday. This article will be about firestar’s family tree From firestar’s Dad to the last member of the family tree
so we’re going to start off with Jake and Quince they had three kits their first kits name is Socks he is a black and whit tom with green eyes, their second kit from the same litter is Ruby she is gray and tan she cat with honey eyes, their last kit from the same litter was Scourge/Tiny is a black tom with a purple tooth collar and light blue eyes.
After Jake had kits with Quince he had kits with nutmeg, they had two kits together their first kits name is Rusty/FireStar he has a flame colored pelt he is a tom with green eyes. Their second kit from the same litter was Princess, She is a light brown tabby with a white chest.
Princess had kits with Oliver the oldest one is named cloudtail. His mate is bright heart their first letter was and she named white wing. Their second litter had 3 kits their names were Ambermoon, Pewnose, and Snowbush. Snowbush had three kits with Lilyheart; their names were Larksong, Leafshade, and Honeyfur; they had no kits. Whitewing had kits with Birchfall their names are Ivypool and Dorewing.Dorewing had three kits with Tigerstar the second, their names are Lightkit, Pouncekit, and Shadowkit. Ivypool had kits with Fernsong ! From Firestar’s side of the family. Their names are Bristlekit, Thritkit, and Flipkit.
Firestar’s family he had two kits with Sandstorm their names are Leafpool and Squirrelflight, Squirrelflight had two kits with Bramblestar their names are Sparkpelt and Alderheart, Alderheart had no kits because he was a med-cat, his sister Sparkpelt had no kits. Leafpool had 3 kits with Crowfeather their names are, Loinblaze, Jayfeather and Hollyleaf, Loinblaze had kits with Cinderheart the kits name was Hollytuft, Sorrelstripe, and Fernsong.
That is my first article ever and it was about FireStar’s family tree. You can give warrior names to the kits that didn’t get Apprentice names or warrior names. I hope you all like that and I will probably make more articles.

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