Happy Birthday, Firepaw/light!

It’s Firepaw/light’s birthday today!

Happy birthday, Firepaw! How are you doing on this fabulous day today? I bet you are feeling amazing – the whole blog is overjoyed to celebrate your birthday with you 😀

Time to move on for the questions: How is your birthday going so far? Are you looking for some presents in particular? Do you have plans set for tonight? We would love to hear about your story, if you’d like to share!

Here’s a splendid, fiery cake that I found:

Here’s a cordial message and a drawing sent by Fernmist:

Happy Birthday Firey! I hope you have an amazing birthday today! 🥳🎂

Here’s another message and a dazzling artwork sent by Frogpaw:

Happy birthday Firepaw!!!!!

That’s all for now – I hope you have a wonderful day, Firepaw! 🥳

🌊🌺🦜 Scorchpaw/light 🌻✈️ We'll all be gone for the summer, we're on surfari to stay 🎶🦋 Running for Senior Warrior 🏖🌿🐬