Happy Birthday, Honeyjade!

Today is Honeyjade’s birthday!

Happy birthday, Honeyjade! How are you doing on this momentous day? The entire blog is ecstatic to celebrate your birthday with you, and we hope you have a remarkable day 😀

Do you have anything planned for your birthday today? If so, what plans in particular are you looking forward to? If you’re getting any presents, what kind of gifts do you want them to be? We would love to hear about them, if you don’t mind to share with us!

Here’s a tasty-looking cake that I found:

It looks so artistic, like a mosaic – and delicious as well! Hope you like it :>

We all wish you an astonishing birthday, Honeyjade! 🎉

🌊🌺🦜 Scorchpaw/light 🌻✈️ We'll all be gone for the summer, we're on surfari to stay 🎶🦋 Running for Senior Warrior 🏖🌿🐬