Vixenpaw spotlights two characters they think deserved better fates.
![[a close-up headshot of Bristlefrost from the cover of Veil of Shadows]](
[a close-up headshot of Bristlefrost from the cover of Veil of Shadows]
Heyo guys! Its meh! Vixenpaw! I think this is mah 4th article? I don’t know!!! Sorry… Well, back with whatever article number this is, I’m telling y’all about characters who deserved better. I honestly think that this is a good article idea because it’s just me! Telling y’all! About my opinion! On characters who deserved better! Well, anyway, let’s get to it!
1. Mapleshade
Mapleshade deserved better because her life was sad! Firstly, she made a huge mistake by mating with a Riverclan warrior, Appledusk. Then, she bore his kits, which caused her probably immeasurable pain, at least pain we will never feel… I don’t think… Next, she was cast out of her clan by her leader. This probably caused her lots of pain. She then tried to cross a flooded river with her kits, and they ended up DROWNING! She made it across, where her ex-mate DENIED ever loving her after, COUNTLESS TIMES, according to Mapleshade, said he did! He denied loving her in front of his whole clan! That just makes me sad. Finally, she was driven mad by her dead kits telling her to avenge them. And if that doesn’t make her deserve better, I don’t know what will!
2. Bristlefrost
Yes, the one and only. So, I chose her because selflessness is off the charts! I mean, no offense Erins, but #BringBristlefrostBack! So, firstly, we don’t know much about her kithood or her early apprenticeship, so we’re starting from late apprenticeship. So, she had a crush on a young warrior named Stemleaf. She confessed to him in late apprenticeship, but he told her he loved another young warrior named Spotfur. She was heartbroken. And then she saved a young apprentice who we later learn is named Rootpaw. Rootpaw develops a crush on Bristlepaw, now aptly named Bristlefrost, and goes to her camp to see her again. She ends up falling in love with him, now named Rootspring, and realizes that their love could never be. They go to the DF and defeat the impostor, but she tragically dies, both times, drowning while drowning the impostor. If the selflessness got any more, she would be had to be brought back!
Thank you for listening to my rant! I will see you next time i do another article! Love yall!!
I also think that Mosskit, Dandelionkit, Juniperkit, Wishkit, Hopekit, and Snowkit deserved better but beside from that great article 🙂
Cool article! Personally, I think Bristlefrost deserves better but I don’t think she should get revived because then what was the point of her sacrifice? It being permanent makes it even more dramatic and realistic, having a genuine reason for her loved ones to grieve as they can’t get reunited in Starclan.
Great article! Tho I strongly dislike both characters :3
It finally came out! Yay!
YES! Me analyzing these characters because I wanted to:
Mapleshade did have a really sad life. The only cat she was justified in killing was Appledusk – WHY, APPLEDUSK. YOU ARE SO ANNOYING. YOU LIED TO MAPLESHADE. GRR. Okay I’ll stop ranting because I would make this an article if I had time, so I’ll probably do it next time.
Bristlefrost didn’t deserve her fate, but even though I would love to have her back, I think it does add a lot of drama. When she died was one of the two times that I actually cried during Warriors, but I’m not even done with the series yet, so… well, I’m probably not the most unemotional person you know. (The other time I cried was when Micah died. Mothflight’s reaction… um, that was the reason I cried in the first place.)
Anyway…Great article!
May I say two things about the Mapleshade thing you said?
First, killing someone because they are a jerk is NOT justified. If you go around and kill everyone who was mean to you, the world would be… pretty empty.
And second, she didn’t even mean to kill Appledusk, but Reedshine, who was completely innocent. Nothing Mapleshade did was justified, if it was, like I said, the world would be very empty.
Great article!
Great article! I’d rather Bristle stayed dead tho, cause if she came back her sacrifice would have been ruined
YEAH! APPLEDUSK WAS A JERK! Mapleshade deserved better! AND BRISTLEFROST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(SPOILERS FOR MAPLESHADES VENGEANCE)So I agree with BrisleFrost but with MapleShade I don’t at all. She in her book after had his kits and she thought that since she bore his kits that AppleDusk was her’s. After they are reveled to not be FreakleWish’s brother (I forgot his name lol) she gets exiled when the medicine cat (also forgot his name Imao wasn’t it like ravensmt?) Tells the leader that the children are halfclan. MapleShade then crosses a flooding river with like a few moon old babies and then when the babies d13 she blames it on FreakleWish. When riverclan won’t take her she runs away and few days later starts murdering when she hears her children cry. She kills RavenSmt then FreckleWish then she goes after Appledusk who she kills. AppleDusk’s apprentice (idk) kills her protecting AppleDusk’s new mate. All of this (except for the getting exiled) was almost all her fault she shouldn’t have mated with a a riverclan cat. And shouldn’t have murdered the cats. (BTW this is my opinion)
I agree Bristlefrost definitely deserved better and honestly I think it would be so cool if she came back also Appledusk SUCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!! 😡
I hate them both, but their lives were sad so they still deserved better
I totally agree with everything. Great article!