Happy Birthday, Mothfeather!

Today is Mothfeather’s birthday!

Two birthdays in a row – what a great coincidence! 😮

Happy Birthday, Mothfeather! We are so thrilled to celebrate your birthday with you today, and we all hope you have a happy, joyful birthday, just as you are 😀

What plans have you gotten for this special day? Is there anything exciting that you’re looking forward to, like a birthday party? Feel free to let us know in the comments, if you don’t mind sharing with us!

Here’s a magnificent cake that I found for your birthday:

Well, I think it looks amazing, and very appetizing as well! Ignore the fact that these are butterflies instead of moths, ahaha.

We all wish you a splendid birthday, Mothfeather! 🎂

🌊🌺🦜 Scorchpaw/light 🌻✈️ We'll all be gone for the summer, we're on surfari to stay 🎶🦋 Running for Senior Warrior 🏖🌿🐬