Happy Birthday, Foampaw!

It’s Foampaw’s birthday today!!

Happy birthday, Foamy! How are you feeling today, knowing it’s your birthday? We are so delighted to have you here on blogclan, not to mention being exhilrated to celebrate your birthday with you 😀

What plans do you have for today in particular? Are you getting a birthday cake -if so, what flavor would it be? Who are you celebrating your birthday with? Please let us know in the comments section below (if you don’t mind sharing, of course)!

Here’s a gorgeous cake that I found for you online:

source: pinterest

That’s an incredibly mouth-watering cake, don’t you agree? Hope you like it (and secretly hoping you could share a slice or two, hmm…)

Here’s a lovely message and artwork sent by Oddpaw/eyes:

Hey Foampaw! Happy Birthday! Wassup? Because I’m so ✨nice✨, I made you a gift! It’s a portrait of ur beatiful kitty cattt. What? This cat is perfectly normal! I don’t know what you mean! Anyway, Happy birthday Foampaw, and I’m so happy you are on the Blog, spreading your hilarious, positive outlook on everything 💕

Here’s a stunning drawing and message sent by Frogpaw:

Happy birthday Foamy!!!!! I wanna know what u got =D

Here’s an astonishing acrostic poem by Firekit:

Happy birthday Foampaw!! I hope you have a wonderful day! To celebrate, I wrote a poem for you!!


I hope you enjoy your birthday!

– Firekit

Here’s a touching message sent by Rosepaw/heart:

Hi Foamy! I know we haven’t talked much, but you seem like a really nice person and friend overall. Have a MARVELOUS birthday! (Also have you seen the Beetlejuice dog toys that came out?)

Here’s a fantastic drawing by Redfawn:

And lastly, a message and an artwork sent by Fernmist:

Happy Birthday Foamy! I hope you have an amazing day! 🥳🎂

That’s a wrap for now – we hope you have a great day, Foamy! 🥳

🌊🌺🦜 Scorchpaw/light 🌻✈️ We'll all be gone for the summer, we're on surfari to stay 🎶🦋 Running for Senior Warrior 🏖🌿🐬


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