Official art by James L. Barry [front-view depiction of Shrewtooth in the James L. Barry graphic novel style]

What happened to Shrewtooth? by Ambersky

Ambersky wonders what happened to Shrewtooth of SkyClan.

Official art by James L. Barry [front-view depiction of Shrewtooth in the James L. Barry graphic novel style]
Official art by James L. Barry
[front-view depiction of Shrewtooth in the James L. Barry graphic novel style]

Hello Hello! Long time no see everyone! I am back with another “What happened?” article, this time with another SkyClan warrior named Shrewtooth.

For those who aren’t familiar with him, I will give you his background. Shrewtooth was once a kittypet who was being abused by his housefolk. After making an escape, he joined SkyClan soon after, but was very skittish around everyone and everything. One day, Shrewtooth asked if he could join the patrol to terrorize the twoleg in the old twoleg nest and the dog that lives there too. Shrewtooth confessed that he used to live there, being tortured constantly when he lived there. The clan sympathize him, Petalnose is particulrly impressed that he managed to escape without any help. So, they all come up with a plan to get back at the twoleg and the dog, but Shrew does stay behind because Leafstar was worried he was going to get captured again A little later in the book, he was in Sharpclaw’s patrol to the twolegplace to help out Stick & he goes to report to Leafstar, before they battle with the twolegplace roguesl. Then during the battle, Shrewtooth & Egg defend Charrytail while she was distracted. He was also mentioned to chase away a fox while some of his clanmates were stuck in a bramble bush. So, it looks like he can be really brave.
Then, Shrewtooth shows up again for SkyClan & the Stranger trilogy. For the graphic novel, The Rescue, all he is seen doing is being on a patrol where Ebonyclaw finds a fox’s scent in SkyClan’s territory & he brings some sheep’s wool to Leafstar when her kits were born. In Beyond the Code, all he says & do is make a worry remark about how the rogues will know their plan to sleep in the day & attack them during that time frame, but Sharpclaw rebukes. Then, in The Flood, he is constantly suspiscious of Sol when Leafstar’s kits goes missing. Contradicting what the tortoiseshell tom said. He is later seen following Sol behind a rock when Sol heads up the gorge to the abandoned Twoleg den. He later confronts Sol & realizes that it was Sol who stole the kits & used leaves from earlier to cover their scent on him. Shrewtooth then fights Sol before Leafstar rams Sol out of the way. When Sol is banished freom SkyClan, Shrewtooth is seen with a satisfied look on his face.

This is all of the times we see Shrewtooth ever, so what in StarClan’s happened to Shrewtooth?

Well, since it’s not confirmed he’s dead, there is a chance that Shrewtooth might be alive. But, where could he have gone exactly? I have a few ideas in mind. It’s possible that he was taken by a Twoleg when wandering out of camp, becoming a kittypet for the rest of his life. Though, the chances are slim since SkyClan would know better not to travel there for no reason. Perhaps Shrewtooth found a lover, his partner wasn’t willing to join SkyClan, so maybe he made the sacrifice in order to be with them. Leaving everything he cared about behind for good. It’s Bittersweet to think about it like that.
But, what if he did die? Like in a terrible accident, The gorge wasn’t the safest place for SkyClan. There was a lot of predators, and floods could happen with the river so close to their camp. Rogues were everywhere too, so there is also the possibility that Shrewtooth ran into a bad crowd, paying the price with his own life. We just don’t know.

It’s a shame, another case of a character who only showed up for one book & a few graphic novels, then disappeared like the wind. He could’ve been a great character. Well, Background character lol! But, in all earnestness, wherever Shrewtooth ended up, I hope that he is doing okay. Gone, but not forgotten.

Alright, that’s about it. Glad that I could write out my annual article for the year/j
I hope you all liked it! I’ll try to post more often this year with articles like this one. It’s now my mission to make sure that cats like Cypresspaw, Wavepaw, Creekfeather, and more cats are remembered. I’m Amberksy, this has been “What Happened to Shrewtooth?”. Bye bye!

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