["Fear Street" written in an all-caps serif font with "1994" written in bloody ink overtop]

Giving Fear Street 1994 Cast Warrior Names by Flowerbeam

Flowerbeam gives warrior names to characters from Fear Street 1994.

["Fear Street" written in an all-caps serif font with "1994" written in bloody ink overtop]
[“Fear Street” written in an all-caps serif font with “1994” written in bloody ink overtop]

Heyyy! It’s Flowerpaw/beam, or Drizzlepaw/drop, or Polarpaw/moon (Flowwie, Drizz, Polara!). Not sure if you’d remember me, I think it has been a year now. No longer a ‘paw! Still Flowwie though! I was rereading old articles (oh my, was I immature!). I’m sorry for all of the dumb comments I put out there! Anyway, today we have an article where I will be giving Fear Street characters Warrior Cat names, as Fear Street is my favorite movie series ever. Do not read if you do not want spoilers! Have fun reading!!
Trigger warnings for mentions of stabbing, murder, people being possessed, witches, and I would assume other things. I will try and say things lightly.

Deena Johnson
Deena is a jealous, (kinda mean) person, but when it comes to protecting, Deena is your girl! She (with the help of her friends), managed to save all of Shadyside, mostly because she loved her girlfriend and needed to find a way for her to not be possessed. She is loyal, until you wrong her, and cares so deeply about those around her. She was also stabbed, (a few times?) and still managed to stay strong.
I’m giving Deena the prefix Brave, because she was very brave and fearless (IN A STORM IN MY BEST DRESS, FEARLESS) to fight off many of the possessed, come up with the plan to defeat them, all while knowing that she could be stabbed or killed, simply because she loved her girlfriend. If this isn’t love, I don’t know what is. Her suffix would be ’cloud, because a cloud could either be of a storm, or just a few in a sunny sky, which would showcase her mood changes. The sunny clouds would be her love for Sam, and the storm would be her trying to save Sam.
Bravecloud would be a very fluffy dark brown she-cat to signify Deena’s hair, and she would be lithe but muscular, with many healing wounds. She has dark brown eyes, and they are how you can tell her emotions. Whenever she is around her mate, Sam (can’t spoil her name), her eyes glow with love and happiness. But whenever you try to mess with Sam, the claws come out, and her eyes are a dangerous orb to look into. Bravecloud would be in ShadowClan, for this clan has the worst rep, just like Shadyside (and hey, shadows and shade!). I think she would be appointed deputy, especially after all that she did, and she would later lead the clan with the help from her mate.
And while we’re giving her a purrsona, let’s give her a tribe name just for fun! She would be Brave Cloud That Fights The Sun. I think it’s self explanatory!

Samantha Fraser (Sam <3)
Time for my favorite! Sam spent most of her time hospitalized, or possessed, so I think we have to incorporate that somehow, but Sam also spends a lot of time hiding. She hides from her emotions (I believe), she hides from the monsters around her. But she is also pretty selfless. She doesn’t want to die, yet she was willing to sacrifice herself to save Deena and the others. Luckily, Deena’s brother thought of a different solution and pulled her into a room before the monsters killed her. Sam has gone through it. She had to be killed and then brought back to life so the monsters could leave her alone (and we can’t forget to mention that saving her cost the lives of beloved Kate and Simon), she was possessed and turned into one of those monsters, but she survived because of Deena. I hope her mother likes Deena now, because she saved the entire town and her precious daughter.
I’m going to call Sam Darkenedlily, because she was possessed and that was a dark point in her life, and ‘lily for innocence, and the word lily (in love), means pure and everlasting, and I will not believe anything other than that Sam and Deena make it together.
For her purrsona, she would be a light brown tabby she-cat with darker brown paws and gorgeous brown eyes. She would also be in ShadowClan originally, but later she would move to ThunderClan with her mother, just like how Sam and her mother moved to Sunnyvale. But Darkenedlily would make her way back to ShadowClan and assist her mate, Bravecloud, in leading the clan. And, for spoilers of a book I will never write, Bravecloud and Darkenedlily would have the cutest relationship, and they would last until StarClan and beyond. I think that Bravecloud would offer to change her name if she wanted to, and if that had happened, she would be called Willowlily. Both Darkenedlily and Bravecloud would have a piece of red moss behind their ears.
For her tribe name, she would be called Darkened Lily That Starts To Shine.

Josh Johnson
Josh Johnson sounds like a famous name. Maybe it is. I don’t know. Anywayyysss, Josh was a smart kid, who happened to know a heck of a lot about all of these odd murders. He is the only reason so many people survived and they were able to stop it, because he found out how. Sure, Deena’s important, but she wouldn’t have gotten anywhere without her dear little brother. He also messaged a girl on his computer, Queen of Air and Darkness. And his name, was, Sir Silence. I loved Josh, and even though I’ve watched Fear Street countless times, I cannot remember much about him.
For his prefix, he’ll be Silent’, for obvious reasons. And for his suffix I think he’ll get ‘heart, because his heart was very big for doing what he did. I would do ‘brain, for his brains, but that sounds a little funny. So, his name, is Silentheart. Silentheart is a fluffy black tom with brown eyes and a scar across his arm. Silentheart is also from ShadowClan like his sister, his sister from another litter! He would be a very respected warrior, but nothing more than that.
For his tribe name, he would be called, Silent Cries From The Biggest Heart.

Kate Schmidt
Kate was a pretty girl on the cheerleading team who did what she could to earn whatever money she could. She was a jokester, and often babysat, though she didn’t take it seriously, and often put other kids in danger. She thought of herself often, and was very very charming. I mean, if I can fall in love with her, Josh can fall in love with her, who can’t? She unfortunately was killed in the first movie, (yes I cried) by being sliced up by a bread grinder. She was also people smart and street smart. And I’d feel bad to give her a name of how she died, but I really can’t help myself, so I guess she gets a serious one and a goofy one.
For goofy, her prefix will be Wheat’, because you know… wheat is bread basically but with more steps. Her suffix would be ‘blood, because… it was a charming murder. Wheatblood. Charming.
Anyways.. Um, moving on.
For her prefix, we’ll call her Briar’, because the prefix Briar’ means helpful, protective, defensive, and independent, and I think that suits her perfectly. Her suffix would be ‘crest, which means distinguished and proud warrior, and I think that suits too. Briarcrest is a lithe black she-cat who is sort of on the smaller size and has pretty brown eyes (did any of the cast NOT HAVE BROWN EYES). (If she survived), she would have a pretty clawed up head and neck. Briarcrest I think would fit perfectly into RiverClan (if we ignored that the rest were in ShadowClan), and she would be the medicine cat because she was good with medicine kind of stuff. She would have an illicit relationship with Silentheart, but she’d cut it off quickly. But, I feel she would be like Leafpool, and end up having his kits. (In our delusions, Bravecloud and Darkenedlily help raise the kits).
Her tribe name would be Briar On Mountain Crest (Wheat That Turned To Blood!!). Who said that!!! Anyway, that’s Kate, Briarcrest, and her name turned out super pretty! The second one at least.

The last one we will be doing is Simon Kalivoda, who I believe is the last of the main 1994 cast. Next I will do 1978, and then 1666. And maybe in that time I’ll also do the new one coming out, which I believe is 1992. Not sure though!

Simon Kalivoda
Simon is the definition of a goofball. He is hilarious, and always makes a joke about everything. He also isn’t always the smartest, and is a follower from what I have observed. But what he lacks in brains, he makes up in warming up others’ hearts. Unfortunately, Simon was also murdered alongside Kate. That was not an easy death to watch. I think Simon was a very likable character, and it’s such a shame many of our favorites were killed, such as Simon, Heather, and Kate in 1994, Alice, Cindy, and Joan in 1978, and Sarah Fier, 1666. He was among many that died, but he is one of the more known, because he helped and was part of the team that defeated this curse.
His prefix would be Fox’, because Fox’ means outgoing, cocky, clever, or smart. He was definitely outgoing and cocky, and he wasn’t always the smartest but he was definitely clever. For his suffix, he would be ‘flare, because he was most definitely fire-y, in the best way. Foxflare would be a fluffy ginger tabby tom (because orange cats are known to be crazy) with big blue eyes (FINALLY NO BROWN!!). Foxflare would be a warrior, one cats like for his humor and charm. He would also have a few apprentices in his lifetime, and I imagine he would become deputy but then he would have been killed and never appointed leader. He would be from RiverClan because it feels like it fits (ignoring where the rest are from).
His tribe name would be Fox Of The Sun’s Flare.

I hope you guys enjoyed that article, I’m sorry it was kind of long. I like to yap! Next article that should be coming out will be about the cast from 1978, which I do not have as much of an emotional connection to, so I probably won’t yap as much (then again, it’s me. I probably will find a way to yap). Thanks for reading this article, and letting me talk about one of the things I love most. Anyways, love you guys, thanks for reading!
Submitted April 29th (DO YOU REALLY WANNA KNOW WHERE I WAS APRIL 29TH – taylor swift <3)

~Flowwie (Flowerbeam!)

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