Ay (or should I say “arr”), it’s Falconstorm’s birthday! Hey Cap! Are you having a good birthday thus far? I’m sure that it has been filled with various Nintendo games, hmm? Well, BlogClan is here to celebrate our favorite Captain’s birthday:D

Ooh, very nice looking cake, hm? I wonder if those figurines are edible… Whelp, anyways, you have received two gifts from other BlogClanners!
First, a gift from Irisflower: “Happy Birthday Falconstorm!! You are an amazing Blogclanner and friend to us, and we want to wish you a happy birthday!! Enjoy your cake I got you c:”
And next, a gift from Cheesepaw! “Greetings, oh great mentoe -bows-
Just wanted to say happy birthday bc am so sweet and innocent
-gives cheese and teddies-“
We are so happy to have you with us Captain! We hope you have an amazing day and week:D
Happy Birthday Captain!! I hope you have the best Birthday ever!🥳
Thanks, Firey!
Happy belated birthday Captain! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
Thank you!
Thank you, Myrtille! 😀