Official poster for CBS's Young Sheldon

Giving Young Sheldon characters warrior names by Jackdawpaw

Jackdawpaw gives warrior names to characters from Young Sheldon.

Official poster for CBS's Young Sheldon
Official poster for CBS’s Young Sheldon

Hello, Jackdawpaw here with my third article! I am going to give warrior names to the very beautiful characters of Young Sheldon (I haven’t watched The Big Bang Theory, so I won’t be able to name any of the characters from there).

So, we’ll start with… Sheldon Lee Cooper himself! We all know he is afraid of bacilli and is really careful with washing his hands and not touching potentially dirty spaces unless it is very necessary. This made me think of a clean, shiny prefix like Shimmer’ or Clear’, but the one I preferred was Silver’. And, for the suffix, I chose ‘shell because it sounds clean and clever and is similar to his real name, Sheldon. So, Silvershell it is!

Now it’s Missy’s time to shine, for once! She has a very kind personality, and she can read people in an amazing way. For some reason, this made me think of the prefix Amber’. For the suffix, though, I thought I could bring up the stubborn side of her, making me think of ‘pounce, ‘snarl, and snap’. I think my favorite one was ‘snap, so Missy’s new name is Ambersnap!

So, next one is, of course, Georgie! He can be a bit mean but in general, he’s a very kind brother, considering the circumstances. He also likes sport and physical stuff. For the prefix, I thought of something cool, like Breeze’ or Ash’, and for the suffix, something more sporty like ‘pounce or ‘leap. With these words, I just can’t find a good combination, though. But I ended up with Ashpounce.

Now, we have Meemaw/Connie! She is very funny and kind but also a very terrible person. This immediately made me think of the suffix ‘strike or ‘blow, as some things she say may feel like a hard blow in the face, even though she doesn’t actually want to harm you. The soft side of her could be represented by either a flower or plant, or perhaps just Sweet’. But Sweetstrike and Sweetblow just doesn’t sound right, leaving me with Honeystrike.

So, next up is… Tam! He’s very funny but also both friendly and intelligent. He doesn’t mind hanging out with a 9-year-old when he is 14 himself. This made me think of ferns for some reason. His clever side could be represented by some kind of bird. The first thought I got was Kestrelfern, but that sounds just too epic for Tam, so I ended up with Finchfern.

Unfortunately, this probably has to be the end of my article, so that it doesn’t get too long. I’ll have to make a part 2, though, with Mary, George, dr Sturgis, and Billy Sparks. I hope you enjoyed the article! Jackdawpaw out!

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