gradient cake with pale blue fading into white, which then turns into pale pink at the base

Happy Clanniversary, Echoheart!

One of the best days of the year has arrived – Echoheart’s Clanniversary!!

ginger cat lies on their back on white bedding, eyes closed and paws stretched out

Happy Clanniversary, Echo! You joined the Blog September 11th, 2021! That’s a whole THREE years of being here – three years you’ve filled with so much light and joy. 🩷 You are soo unbelievably friendly and kind. I always enjoy seeing your lovely comments and your beautiful display names that usually have the gorgeous pale pink and pale blue heart combination. 🩵 I’m so happy we get to celebrate this wonderful occasion with you!

gradient cake with pale blue fading into white, which then turns into pale pink at the base

I hope you like this cake, Echo! The way the frosting is swirled and the colours make it look so light and fluffy! It looks so pretty I would almost feel bad eating it. Key word being “almost” 😉

Here’s some questions for you!

  1. What is your favourite memory of the Blog?
  2. What is your favourite discussion page?
  3. Have you had any names before being “Echoheart”?
animated cat head blowing a party favour with a pale purple hat with yellow tassels

🚦💵💰 “mister, can I go home now?” | squid games edition silverdusk 🌊 Sae-byeok (my wife) 💗💗 she/her 🗾🍹💚

It’s beautiful how this deep normality settles down over me