[Bristlefrost curls around Rootspring as the two sit together on a snowy day]

Ship or Sink? by Brackenbell

Brackenbell shares their opinions on ships from the series.

[Bristlefrost curls around Rootspring as the two sit together on a snowy day]
Art by Dappleberry12765
[Bristlefrost curls around Rootspring as the two sit together on a snowy day]

Hello guys!! My name is brackenbell and this is my first article! It is so exciting! So I will talk about ships and say whether it ships or sinks.
Gray x Silver
Ship!! I love especially how silverstream saves Graystripe from drowning. She is very caring and kind like saving a cat from another clan. I found it interesting by the way they meet secret. Also, I love their kits stormfur and feathertail.
Bristle x Root
Ship!!!!!! This is one from my top 3 favorite ships. Like silver x gray I like how she cats saves the toms instead of toms saving the she cats. Bristlefrost and Rootspring shares the mission of saving squirrlstar and bramblestar. They venture to the dark forest to stop ashfur. Their relationship is very developed and specific and it is a pity they can not be mates, especially how starclan agreed to change the warrior code after bristlefrost’s death.
Fern x Dust
It’s not my favorite but it’s definitely ship. Dustpelt begins to show interest to her since she was a thunderclan apprentice. She and dustpelt have up to three litters.( the first being shrewpaw and spiderleg. The second are hollykit larchkit and birchfall. The third is icecloud and foxleap). They were mates for a very long time. Dustpelt was saddened by her death and refused birchfall to see her body because he was one of the dark forest trainees.
Spider x Daisy
Umm SINK!!!! Spiderleg didn’t even trust her when she came to the camp. According to warriors wiki spiderleg begin to notice her after he mentored her son mousewhisker. Even though they became mates spiderleg was unprepared for her pregnancy and remained distant toward her and the kits. They grew frustrated each other and broke up. I don’t even think they loved enough to be mates.
Poppy x Berry
Sink. Literally they went mates right after honeyfern the brown beautiful tabby died. Poppyfrost didn’t even trust berrynose about his love toward her and berrynose didn’t notice poppyfrost disappearing to go to the moonpool. I don’t think their love toward each other are enough like spiderleg and daisy.
Leaf x Crow
SHIP. This is so far my favorite ship in the whole world!!!! Crowfeather later told his feeling toward her after he saves her from the cliff. They met in secret and ran away together resulting the birth of lionkit hollykit and jaykit. After deafeting ashfur they are seen together

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