Today, we are celebrating the Clanniversary of one of our lovely mods!
This post is late because I didn’t check the calendar for any mod birthdays and I had some exams, but now, nothing shall keep me from making this very important post. Eagleflight joined the Blog on September 3rd, 2019! That’s an entire five years of being here – that’s a huge milestone! :0 Aquila, you are such a beloved member of this community. With your friendly and lovely personality, you always have fun and interesting chats with everyone, and we all appreciate your hard work to keep the Blog functioning! 💛 Thank you for being an amazing friend, moderator, birthday tsar, and just person in general <3333 I hope you have the most brilliant (belated) Clanniversary ever!
Here’s a Clanniversary tart for you!! It’s from Stohrer, one of the oldest pastry shops in France! (It’s been around since 1730). It’s made with fresh strawberries, strawberry jam, sweet pastry, almond cream, light vanilla cream and vanilla whipped cream. It looks delicious – if I ever go to Paris, I’m definitely going to try and get this 😛
Here are some questions for you to answer, if you’d like!
- What are your favourite Blog memories?
- How did you think of the name ‘Eagleflight’?
- What is your favourite thing about the Blog?
Happy clanniversary Aquila! You are an amazing person and a great friend to BlogClan!
Happy Clanniversary Aquila. I appreciate the mods who have been around for a long time.
Happy birthday Aquila!
Happy belated Clanniversary, Aquila! Thank you for everything you’ve done for the fine folks of BlogClan <3
Happy Claniversary Aquila! We’re so lucky to have had you around for 5 years. Thank you for everything you do for the Blog 🥳
Aww thank you very much, everyone! I appreciate you all <3
Thank you to Silv for making a wonderful post! The cake looks delicious and reminds me of "Fraisier", a strawberry and cream cake that you can buy in bakeries in France and which I adore!
1. Favourite memories? I remember getting my first birthday post for my 13th birthday, way back in 2019 and I was so happy! I remember getting a mentor, Flamecloud, unaware that we would still be friends 5 years later. I remember talking on the Hazelpage with my irl friend Redblaze, and Captain, and a member called Ttera in covid and playing rhyming games. I remember talking to Viper about Merlin and Doctor Who on the Tavern for suchhh a long conversation, and talking to Blueheart about literally everything and anything first on the Blog, then on the Wiki and now on discord. I remember hosting a gathering game, then getting chosen to undergo mod training. I remember all my apprentices, Willowpaw, then Fawnpaw, now Morningpaw. There's so many memories I treasure from this site (I could have mentioned many more) and most of all I treasure all the wonderful friends I've made. 🙂
2. -flight comes from Squirrelflight, my favourite Warriors character in 2016/2017. Eagle- comes from the fact 10 year old me had never seen a character in the books with that prefix and wanted a unique name for her favourite OC, and also I liked and still like eagles a lot! When it came to joining BlogClan, I stole Eagleflight my OC's name 😛
3. Definitely it's continuing impact on being able to reach people and change their lives positively. 🙂