Happy Birthday, Silverpaw/shine!

A pair of back-to-back birthdays! What fun! Today, itโ€™s Silverpawโ€™s birthday!

Happy birthday, Silverpaw!

With a name like that, the way forward in terms of choosing a cake seemed pretty clearโ€ฆ

A two-tiered white and silver cake decorated with silver fondant stars. There's a silver cake-topper that reads "Happy Birthday".

Ta-da! Spectacularly silvery, and with two whole tiers! Hopefully that means youโ€™ll be willing to share a slice or two!

Well, Silverpaw, anything extra exciting in the cards for today? A party? Gifts? Cake โ€“ cookies โ€“ other assorted festive snacks?! Whatever the plan may be, I hope you have a wonderful time, and a very happy birthday to you once again!

Also! There’s a gift for you from Fallowpaw/speck!

HAPPY BDAY MANGO ILYSMMMMM! You are so amazing and I’m so happy to be friends with you! Here’s an arostic poem for you:

Very good friend

And I also drew you a cake with Pusheen theme cuz I know you like her! And the flavors are strawberry, mango and cherry to resemble our friendship!

A drawing of a three-tiered cake against a purple background. The top tier is coloured red with cherries drawn on; the middle tier is coloured yellow with mangos drawn on; and the bottom tier is coloured pink with strawberries drawn on. Each tier has a different image of a pusheen cat wearing a party hat. There is a lit candle on top.

๐ŸŒ˜ Nettlespring ๐ŸŽป

(Don't let the moon change your mind! ๐ŸŒ™)


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