Our second birthday of the day belongs to Irisflower!
Happy birthday, Irisflower!
Naturally, I had to find you a cake that featured irises, else I wouldn’t be staying on theme!

Do you know, I didn’t actually know what irises looked like before looking for your cake today – they’re very pretty! I hope you like them! =D
So, Iri, how are you planning to spend today? Are you gonna throw a party, or keep things more relaxed? How about gifts, if that’s how you like to celebrate – are you looking forward to getting anything specific, or is it a surprise? I hope you get to have some cake, or whichever dessert you prefer, and that your day turns out wonderful! Happy birthday again! 🎉
Happy birthday Iri! 🙂
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday Iris!!!
Happy birthday Irisflower!
happy birkleday!! :DD
Happy Birthday Irisflower!!! I hope you have an incredible day today. Here’s to many more!!
Happy birthday Iris!
happy birthday iris :DD
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!! 🎈🎁🎂🎊🎉
Happy birthday Iris! You are such a kind person and you always make everyone else’s birthdays better with your gifts so I hope you are having a great birthday too!