[a poster of cat versions of Harry Potter characters with cat versions of their names]

Giving Harry Potter characters Warrior names! by Blossompaw

Blossompaw gives warrior names to characters from Harry Potter.

[a poster of cat versions of Harry Potter characters with cat versions of their names]
Art by WafflesCat (Twitter)
[a poster of cat versions of Harry Potter characters with cat versions of their names]

Hiya! This is my first article, so I hope you like it! I’m Blossompaw, and today I will give Harry Potter characters Warrior names! (I know this has been done before, but I wanna try it out!)

I shall begin with our main character… Voldemort! Wait what, I meant Harry Potter. 😅
Anyways, I think a brave name would fit him, since he is very brave. The lion represents Gryffindor (which Harry was put in) so I think his prefix would be Lion. And he’s very strong (I mean, he defeated Voldy as a bebe), so I think maybe Lionroar would fit him? Or Lionclaw? I don’t know, tell me what you think!

Next up, we have one of Harry’s best friends! The soulless creature we call Ron Weasley! He is very ginger, so I think he would be Redpelt or Gingerpelt. (Very basic, I know, but I’m doing what feels right sniff)

Now, my second favorite character! Hermione Granger! When I first watched the movies, Hermione was my favorite. (Yes, I watched the movies first) But then I got another favorite (You’ll see later 😉) Since she’s very smart and wise I think Owl would be her prefix. Maybe Owlwing? Or Owlheart? Yeah, Owlheart.

Now, my favorite character!! Luna Lovegood! I think we are much alike, (mostly because we’re both Ravenclaw) and I like how she’s like kinda creepy but still sweet. I also think she’s really pretty! Anyways, I think Quiet would be her prefix, because she kind of pops out of nowhere. Maybe Quietwing? YES.

Now I think we need to do the obvious one. VOLDYMORT. Very slay. I ACTUALLY HAD TROUBLE WITH THIS ONE LIKE- Green? No. Nose? No (he has none). But for some reason I think we need rain as suffix. WHY DO I KINDA LIKE DAWNRAIN FOR HIM LIKE WHAT- Yeah, I think Dawnrain.
Y’all are gonna be like: WHY DAWNRAIN, BLOSSY?!
Shhhhhh… no need to worry about it. 🙂

Alright, last one… let’s doooo…. Draco Malfoy! As a prefix, we already KNOW it gotta be Snake. Snaketooth? Nah. SNAKEHEART. YES. Snakeheart is Draco’s name!

Anyways, that’s all for me! I hope you liked this article!
mic drop Blossompaw -> out!

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