Today is Willowpaw/whisker’s clanniversary! Hurrayyyy! I hope you’re having a fantastic day to match this fantastic occasion!

Time sure flies when you’re having fun, huh? With any luck you’ve been enjoying your time around the blog as much as we’ve liked having you around. Your kind and friendly presence is always welcome! Thank you for being a member and congratulations on reaching this milestone!

I’ve prepared a little acrostic poem for you!

Here’s a tasty cupcake for you to enjoy! I won’t steal any like I usually do, since there’s only one (though….maybe there were a couple more originally, but I had to taste test a few.)
Happy clanniversary again! Thanks for sticking around all these months, I hope you’ve had fun! Do you have any favorite memories or stories from your times that you’d like to share? Any grand plans for your future adventures as a blogclanner?

Happy Clanniversary Willowpaw!
Happy Clanniversary Willowpaw! 😀
Happy birthday Willowpaw!!!
Clanniversary, not birthday 🙂
Oop that’s what I meant 🙃
happy clanniversary willowwww!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Clanniversary Willow!
Happy clanniversy
Happy Clanniversary!
Thank you so much guys!its actually also my birthday,but thanks!im crying so much!
whoa your clanniversary and your birthday on the same day? that’s super special :0