Happy Birthday, Smokepaw/dusk!

Howdy, BlogClan! We’ve got one last birthday to send off September, and it’s Smokepaw’s!

Happy birthday, Smokepaw!

Here’s a cake to match your suffix, which I hope’ll be to your liking:

A round cake iced in deep blue buttercream, reminiscent of the night sky. Pink and purple clouds are smeared on top, along with a yellow moon and several yellow stars.

And here are the usual birthday questions for you to answer at your leisure!

Are you doing anything exciting today? Getting to eat real cake? (Or cookies, or ice cream, or– well, I’m sure you get the idea /j) Hosting a party? Any gifts you’re hoping for?

Let us all know how it goes if you’d like! I certainly hope you have a grand time =D and Happy Birthday again! 🎉

☕ Nettlespring 🥞

(Don't let the moon change your mind! 🌙)

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