[Stonefur and Mistyfoot look at each other while sitting]

The Mistyfoot & Stonefur Situation by Nightkit

Nightkit shares their thoughts on RiverClan’s reaction to Mistyfoot and Stonefur.

[Stonefur and Mistyfoot look at each other while sitting]
Art by Maple-Heart
[Stonefur and Mistyfoot look at each other while sitting]

Hi Nightkit here! Today I am going to be ranting about how everyone was super dumb about Mistyfoot and Stonefur.

Credits to Scarletkit for making an article that inspired me (Why Mistystar and Stonefur were obviously ThunderClan)

Once upon a time, there was this one queen called Bluefur. She had three kits, Mistykit, Stonekit, and Mosskit. Letโ€™s pretend Mosskit isnโ€™t there. They mysteriously went missing in the middle of the night. To conclude it, some of ThunderClanโ€™s kits went missing, and later in RiverClan there were two new apprentices called Mistypaw and Stonepaw that looked exactly like Bluefurโ€™s kits and had the same names and the same genders and also became apprentices exactly when Bluefurโ€™s kits would have been apprenticed.

Seriously, how did nobody in ThunderClan recognize them? Also, cats are able to remember things that happened when they were like just born, and Mistykit and Stonekit were at LEAST a moon old. Why couldnโ€™t they remember Bluefur at all? Wouldnโ€™t they ask why they were in the RiverClan camp? Wouldnโ€™t they ask about Bluefur? Apparently they could not remember a single thing about ThunderClan and completely forgot about Bluefur.

Oakheart knew that Windflight, Bluefurโ€™s Clanmate, was half WindClan when Bluefur did not, so other cats might also know mysterious things. What if someone in ThunderClan knew that Graypoolโ€™s kits died? Wouldnโ€™t they be suspicious? Tigerclaw quickly spread rumors around the camp that Ravenpaw was a traitor, even leading to Frostfur attacking Ravenpaw, so why didnโ€™t anyone figure it out or suspect it or start rumors?

When Bluefur told everyone that a fox or something had taken her kits, cats looked around and sniffed around to see if they could find any trace of the kits or a predator.
They did not find anything at all.
And they did not care. They just went on living their lives as if nothing had happened.

Graypool smelled ThunderClan on the kits.
Nobody else did.
Graypool has an overpowered nose.
But seriously. Graypool smelled ThunderClan on them, and nobody else did? Iโ€™m really surprised that NOBODY suspected anything. Crookedstar only found out when Mapleshade told him, and only then did he realize that their mother was Bluefur. But then, a random kittypet joined the Clans and figured it out immediately!

And now here are some cats that remembered their kithood:
– Firestar
– Whitestorm
– Squirrelstar
– Crookedstar
– Darktail

So that is a bunch of stuff about that situation and goodbye and my fingers are getting tired!

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