Whitepaw explains why they think Ivypool shouldn’t be disliked.
Hi guys, before I tell you my opinion I want to say that this is only my opinion, and I don’t care, and wont be mad if you have a different one. Now without further ado let’s get into it!
To start I’m gonna write people’s main reasons to dislike Ivypool.
First, a lot of people think that as an apprentice, Ivypool was kind of a jerk being so jealous of Dovewing, and pretty much separating from her sister for that time because of her jealousy.
Second, people don’t like her because she trained in the Dark Forest. People say that she was stupid and gullible and was tricked into joining a group that was going to destroy the clans just because of her jealousy of Dovewing and wanting to get more attention.
Third, people think that she is whiny and very showy of every good thing she does.
Now I’m going to explaing why they think that Ivypool is a jealous jerk, and is whiny and showy, and why they hate her for these reasons (including the fact that she trained in the dark forest). Most people think that she is a jealous jerk because of her time as an apprentice so lets zoom in on that period of her life.
As an apprentice Ivypool or Ivypaw because very jealous of her sister Dovepaw. This is because Dovepaw was a naturaly great hunter (mainly because of her powers), and Ivypaw wasn’t, which already lead to more praise and attention for Dovepaw than Ivypaw. Then on top of that Ivypaw started to notice Firestar having private conversations with Dovepaw, and the senior warriors treating Dovepaw differently as if she were so great. Ivypaw didn’t know about the prophecy and all of this attention to her sister made her very jealous. Then on top of that Dovepaw (as an apprentice) was chosen to go on the quest to find out what was blocking the river, at a very young age and not Ivypaw. This causes even more attention to Dovepaw, which just make Ivypaw more jealous. This causes Ivypaw to start acting colder to Dovepaw, and stops celebrating with her and not eating with her. She basically destroys the strong bond the two have had since they were kits for a bit because of her jealousy which is why most people hate her and is what they use that argue that she is a bad cat. But then lets notice her reasons for being so jealous of Dovepaw. I already described why she is jealous so I’m just going to shorten it now. Ivypaw was jealous of Dovepaw because Dovepaw got more attention and respect at a very young age that Ivypaw didn’t get. If you ask me Ivypaw had many reasons to be jealous of Dovepaw (like imagine your brother/sister getting congratulated all the time and everyone gets him presents but not you, you’d be pretty jealous too). Sure she could’ve acted better about her jealousy and talked it out with Dovepaw, but she was an apprentice, and didn’t know better. Now lets move on to reason two for why people hate Ivypool: She trained in the Dark Forest. Ok, so lets start off with why Ivypaw did train in the Dark Forest. She trained there because she wanted to be the best warrior/apprentice she could be and she thought she was being visited by StarClan cats! She just wanted to be a good apprentice and get attention and appreciation for once because it was only Dovepaw who got attention. She also trained there because she wanted to be a good warrior and help her clan! She wanted to know good battle moves so she could be a good warrior, not just because she wanted to take Dovepaw out of the spotlight. Also how was she supposed to know the Dark Forests true intentions?! She was only an apprentice and belived she was doing it for the good of her clan. If she knew the truth about the Dark Forest she definitely wouldn’t have trained there. Also once she figured out the truth about the Dark Forest she didn’t keep going there because she wanted to kill the clans, she went as a spy to help the clans. She could’ve died if she’d been found out as a spy, or killed in regular Dark Forest training, and even if she wasn’t killed she definitely got some pretty bad injuries going there, but she still did it FOR THE GOOD OF HER CLAN! This should show that Ivypaw just wanted to best for her clan, and that was why she was in the Dark Forest. This also shows that she is selfless and brave going into the Dark Forest and risking her live basically every night so that the clans could survive.
Then the third reason for why people don’t like Ivypool: She is whiny and showy.
Honestly I don’t really get how she is whiny or showy, but if y’all saying that are talking about how she felt prideful in going to the dark forest every night as a spy, and then are saying she is showy then you are wrong. There is nothing bad with feeling good about yourself if you are doing a great thing for your clan! That is not being showy! Also after the Dark Forest was defeated, Ivypool didn’t go around saying how great she was for sacrificing herself, and bragging, no she just kept to herself and was a good warrior.
I also don’t see her as whiny, but if you are talking about her whining about Dovepaw/wing getting all the attention then I already explained that he jealousy was reasonable and that she was too young to know how to deal with it properly.
This is why I think Ivypool doesn’t deserve her hate
Anyway that concludes my article, I hope you like it, it is my first one (sorry if it is really long)!
the fact that she doesn’t even get any hate 💀
Very off topic bit, but I agree with your name.