15 Fun Facts About Warrior Cats! by Pineapplepaw

Pineapplepaw lists some trivia facts about Warrior Cats.

Official art by Wayne McLoughlin

1. One of Firestar’s favorite duties as Clan leader was holding apprentice ceremonies

2. Cloudtail has the best tracking skills in ThunderClan

3. Frostpaw from A Starless Clan is the tenth gray-furred protagonist in the main arcs, followed behind Stormfur, Feathertail, Jayfeather, Dovewing, Gray Wing, Clear Sky, Twogbranch, Shadowsight, and Bristlefrost

4. Lionblaze’s ear, nicked in a skirmish with WindClan, contradicts his power to remain uninjured in battle

5. Blackstar comes from a long line of polydactyl cats and is possibly related to Spider Paw, the first polydactyl cat in the series

6. During her leader ceremony, Mistystar is given the life of justice twice, just worded differently. Stonefur gives the life of equality and battling injustice and Bluestar gives the life of doing what is right however hard that may be.

7. Bluestar’s original names included Moonstar, Moonstone, and Bluestone, but those were changed to keep certain terms special to StarClan

8. ThunderClan was originally going to be called StarClan before Vicky decided it would be better suited for their warrior ancestors

9. Because of his power and knowledge, Rock feels he cannot show emotion He is also omniscient, but is not god-like.

10. Vicky has said that it’s unknown if Fallen Leaves and Hollyleaf became mates in StarClan, despite their special bond, because it isn’t the sort of thing StarClan cats do? However, the Warriors website’s family tree shows Hollyleaf and Fallen Leaves connected by a heart symbol, which is used for other characters to represent mateship.

11. There are thirteen mistakes in the Alegiances of Leopardstar’s Honor, such as Grasswhisker being listed as a warrior and her mother listed as a kit, and Patchpelt being listed twice.

12. Skystar has the same shade of fur as Cloudstar

13. Runningnose served as ShadowClan’s leader, deputy, and medicine cat when Nightstar was ill

14. Rock was originally a leader of one of three groups by the lake territories. Half Moon was the first official Stoneteller; Rock came before her, but he wasn’t given the title Stoneteller because it didn’t exist then.

15. Thunderstar’s novella is called Thunderstar’s Echo on the paperback cover of Legends of the Clans, though it is called Thunder’s Echo on the digital version

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