[a monochrome page from the bonus manga of SkyClan's Destiny depicting Leafstar conducting Nettlesplash, Creekfeather, Plumwillow, and Rabbitleap's warrior ceremonies]

Prefixes and Suffixes in the Warrior Cat World! by Quietbreeze

Quietbreeze takes a look at the prefixes and suffixes in the Warrior Cats universe.

[a monochrome page from the bonus manga of SkyClan's Destiny depicting Leafstar conducting Nettlesplash, Creekfeather, Plumwillow, and Rabbitleap's warrior ceremonies]
Official manga art by James L. Barry for SkyClan’s Destiny
[a monochrome page from the bonus manga of SkyClan’s Destiny depicting Leafstar conducting Nettlesplash, Creekfeather, Plumwillow, and Rabbitleap’s warrior ceremonies]

Hi everyone! It’s Quietbreeze here, and I’d like to talk about prefixes and suffixes in Warriors. I’ll be discussing the basics, rarely used prefixes and suffixes, fun facts, and some of my favorite prefixes and suffixes! Shall we start?
First of all, I’ll start with the basics with suffixes. You guys all probably know this, so you can skip this part. Kits are given the suffix “-kit”, and when they become six moons old and become apprentices, they get the suffix “-paw”. This is the reason why many warriors call apprentices “‘paws” for short. When an apprentice has finished their training, they get a suffix depending on their looks, personality, or just a random suffix! If a warrior becomes leader, they will get the suffix “-star”.
The basics with prefixes are a little more different. Warriors stick with one single prefix their whole lives, unless they decide to become a kittypet and adopt a new name. Prefixes can be based on the cat’s looks, personality if the kit shows something special about their personality (Like how in Sign of the Moon, Lion’s Roar got his name because of his loud yowl when he was born), anything special about the clan (Like how Riverclan sometimes names their kits something related to water), something completely random, and they can be named after a different cat (Like Firefern and Flame/Nightheart, who were both named after Firestar)!
Some prefixes and suffixes are used rarely, some even once! Here are some rarely used prefixes listed down below:

-Alder, in the case of Alderheart. I love this prefix and think it should be used more!
-Cinnamon, in the case of Cinnamontail. This prefix is long and kind of hard to say, and I can imagine a lot of cats getting tongue twisted while trying to pronounce the name. This is still a very pretty prefix in my opinion!
-Ebony, in the case of Ebonyclaw. This prefix is so cool and pretty at the same time, yet what do we get? One warrior with the prefix. I think it’s safe to say I will be writing to the Erins to demand another warrior with the prefix Ebony.
-Fawn, in the case of Fawnstep. This prefix is absolutely beautiful, and it should definitely be used more!
-Flax, in the case of Flaxfoot. I think this prefix sounds very cool, and I’d like to see more cats with the prefix Flax!
-Lichen, in the case of Lichenfur. This prefix is so cool, and it should definitely be used more!
-Olive, in the case of Olivenose. Does anyone remember who Olivenose is? I sure don’t. Anyways, this prefix is so pretty, and we need another Olive prefix!
-Strike, in the case of Strikestone. This prefix sounds so cool. I am outraged that we don’t have another Strike prefix.
-Yarrow, in the case of Yarrowleaf. I don’t know why, but the prefix Yarrow is just so aesthetically pleasing to me.

Here are some rarely used suffixes listed down below:
-Beam, in the case of Sunbeam. I think this suffix is really pretty, and I can always picture a beam of light reaching down to the forest floor when I hear Sunbeam’s name.
-Haze, in the case of Smokehaze. Can I just say that I love the name Smokehaze? I think it’s one of the best names in Warriors. Haze is such a cool suffix! We need to see more of it.
-Mouse, in the case of Mistmouse. This suffix is really pleasing to me for some reason, as is the name Mistmouse. Put more Mouse suffixes in the books, Erins!
-Seed, in the case of Parsleyseed. I think Seed is a really cool prefix, and it’s sad there aren’t more Seed prefixes in Warriors.
-Watcher, in the case of Skywatcher. *Huffs in annoyance. Yeah, Erins, look out for a letter. You’ll probably get it soon. Seriously though, I think the suffix Watcher would be great for a bird prefix! Imagine Jaywatcher or Dovewatcher! So pretty…

Here are some fun facts about prefixes and suffixes and just warrior names in general!

-The most common prefix is White, and the most common suffix is Tail.
-There are three cats with that name, Whitetail from Windclan, Whitetail from Shadowclan, and another White Tail from Windclan!
-There are FOUR cats with the name Robinwing! You heard that right, FOUR! There is a Robinwing from every clan except for Shadowclan. That probably doesn’t get confusing at all.

Some prefixes I love are Flutter, Freckle, Fidget, Hop, Bounce, Ebony, Hazel, Rose, and Plume!
Some suffixes I love are Flutter (Again), Moon, Lily, Breeze, Feather, Willow, Wing, and Swoop!

Thank you for taking the time to read my article! This was my first article, so please give me some feedback! Alright, Quietbreeze out!

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  • these prefixes and suffixes are awesome! i am bad at naming cats, and i think all of these are really good. although i think i did pretty well at my name, it’s already taken by some other warrior cat. i’m not like a HUGE Dawnflower fan, i just think her name is pretty good.

  • Nice to see my prefix on here lol, and it’s absolutely hilarious to think that Shyflutter is a possible warrior name. And Rainbowdash…. Childhood cartoons still haunting me, haha!