[Fernsong and Ivypool look at each other, content]

Our opinions on ships by Fallowpaw and Fernmist

Fallowpaw and Fernmist share their opinions on some ships.

[Fernsong and Ivypool look at each other, content]
Art by Silverzoul
[Fernsong and Ivypool look at each other, content]

Fallowpaw: I’m writing this, so prepare for another cringy intro! Hello, Bloggos, and welcome to… *drumroll* OUR OPINIONS ON SHIPS BY FALLOWPAW AND FERNY POTATO!!! Uuuuummmmm, I mean, Fernmist! Buuuuuut I have a feeling that you already knew that! Let’s just start!

First up is… IVYFERN!!!

Fernmist: I think it’s a pretty good ship, but I’d like to see more of Fernsong. I mean, when Ivypool was risking her life in the great battle, he wasn’t even born. I don’t really mind age gaps (they’re cats after all), but still, especially since Ivypool went through so much before he was born, it’s kind of weird imo. and he’s really a side character, and I feel like it was kind of sudden how they became mates.

Fallowpaw: I really like the ship, it’s cute how Fernsong takes care of the kits and I love how this is a nice example of opposites attract! I also like that it’s not the stereotipical warrior cats relationship, like the tom being a warrior and being the ‘strong’ one, and the mother being a queen and being the ‘caring’ one. I do agree that Fernsong needs more screen time, and therefore I would like a novella or super edition with his pov, to see more IvyFern development. But I overall really like it!

Next… JAYHALF!!!

Fernmist: i’m honestly not sure what to think of Jay x Half moon… I don’t really think he’s one to fall in love, but I think being with Half moon might have changed him a bit in an important way. I understand the point of view the non-shippers have, but I guess I like this ship. *dodges tomatoes* the only reason I might dislike it is because of Jayfeather’s usual behavior. it might have been nice to have a med-cat who didn’t fall in love.

Fallowpaw: I don’t really like JayHalf. It’s pretty freaky how he falls in love with a cat that’s literally super dead and lived thousand years ago. Half Moon is also a Mary Sue and she loved Jay’s Wing, not Jayfeather. They didn’t know each other for a long time, Jayfeather was just sucked into a relationship bc Half Moon loved a cat that looked like him. So yeah, I don’t ship it.

Third is… TIGERDOVE!!!

Fernmist: I feel Tiger x Dove was… kinda good, kinda bad. towards the beginning, Dovewing would love Tigerstar 2 (Tigerheart at the time), then something would make her want to end it, and then she was back in love. I know they really trust each other and I think it’s a ok ship, but sometimes I wish she were still in thunderclan.

Fallowpaw: Even tho I don’t like Dovewing switching Clans, I love DoveTiger! It’s true love, has good development, they have realistic arguments and aren’t a perfect relationship like BrackenSorrel (I like BrackenSorrel, but it’s too perfect). They’re also great parents and I like how the tom (Tiger) also cares for the kits pretty much and he doesn’t just dump ’em with the she-cat (Dove).

Time for a very controversial one… SPOTTEDFIRE!!!

Fernmist: So, tbh, I actually like this ship. yes, there’s a age gap, but they’re cats you know. and although it didn’t last long, I think they had a good relationship.

Fallowpaw: I used to like SpottedFire, but not anymore, since I did a gross discovery: Spottedleaf is Sandstorm’s aunt. Imagine fighting over somebody with your aunt/niece! That’s just weird🤨

And last but not least… LEAFCROW!!!

Fernmist: lol you’re right that is weird, just idk if cats care 😛
anyways- lastly Leaf x Crow! I personally like Feather x Crow better, but I like Leaf x Crow too. I feel like a lot more happened between the two of them then Crow and Feather, although I still prefer Feather x Crow. It’s how they realized they belonged to their clans, and that’s how the three were born (excluding Dovewing). still, I hope Crowfeather chooses Feathertail in Starclan.

Fallowpaw: I hate LeafCrow. It had no development, it was really weird, like how they went from: ‘Go to the DF, I hate you’, to ‘Aaaaaah, I love you!’ That just makes no sense! And their personalities DON’T match, we have a sweet, calm, wise she-cat and a rude, unpolite and bossy tom. I don’t think it’s realistic that Leafpool would like somebody like him, just like nothing about this ship is realistic. So that’s why I hate it.

Fallowpaw: So, that was it! Also note that this are only our opinions and it’s perfectly fine if you disagree! (The cringy presentations of the ships are by me ofc😛) Fallowpaw and Fernmist out!

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  • I agree with Fernmist so heavily about TigerDove. I think their relationship started out rocky and I’m glad they developed over time into a healthier, more stable dynamic, but I wish Tigerheart had moved to ThunderClan to be with Dovewing instead of the other way around (I am biased because I love Dovewing and Ivypool’s relationship so much and I think Tawnypelt should’ve been the leader instead of Tigerstar II, but still). Maybe I’ll write my own article about their relationship

  • Great article!
    IvyXFern was a meh for me
    JayXHalf is just no
    TigerXDove- Love this! It’s a real relationship
    SpottedxFire- eh basically falling in love with a high school senior when ur still 10 years old because they smell and look nice lol
    LeafxCrow- Ewwww NO NOO NOO JUST BIG NOOO. It makes no sense at all! I really, really, really wanted SquirrelXCrow *dodges a 100 tomatoes* I mean it’s actually cute and made sense.

  • 😛🐈‍⬛Ivypaw!😛🐈‍⬛ 🍃☁️Ivy, Ivz, or Ivycloud 🍃☁️ 😁🐺Appendix to the pawsome Mochimoon! 😁🐺 🎃👻Halloween is here! 🎃👻 🍂🍁 Leaf-fall edition! 🍂🍁 says:

    Yay! Finally someone who dosn’t ship Firexleaf!

  • Awesome article! I don’t ship SpottedFire because they didn’t really show interest in each other while Spottedleaf was alive, and then once she joined Starclan she suddenly liked him?