Goldenpaw discusses the top 10 worst clan leaders.
My second article!!!!!!! Thx for the support on the first one “Why Goosefeather was a Bad Medicine Cat.” Not counting Tigerstar I or Brokenstar or any of the villain leaders in this article. Anyway, let’s get down to business 🙂. Btw, I’m starting at #10 and then going up to #1, which is the worst out of the worst clan leaders. SPOILERS WARNING!!! Blogclan, I sent the article twice because the first draft wasn’t my best sry!
#10. (Least worst clan leader)
Rowanstar. He didn’t make terrible decisions his whole life, but the guys a coward. He knew his deputy Tigerheart was away on a long mission to find pregnant Dovewing, but he still retired from leadership. Yes, Rowanstar quit being leader because he cared more about retirement than watching over his clan that had no deputy. Shadowclan fell into chaos when he retired. He could’ve died a noble death as a leader (since he died before Tigerheart came back) but instead died as an elder. Warning: don’t read Tigerheart’s Shadow. It’s a bit boring and doesn’t have a good protagonist!
#9. Redstar.
You know that saying gingers have no soul? WELL RED STAR CERTAINLY HADN’T! He fought Skyclan before they were kicked out, then literally suggested kicking them out without sadness and lots of aggression. Redstar then comes to the conclusion that since there are four oaks in the forest instead of five, Skyclan should leave. *moment of silence* Soooooo there needs to be a certain number of oak trees for there to be a certain number of clans … .But the guy apologized to Cloudstar, so that’s why he’s number 9.
#8. Darkstar.
This is the guy (or girl Idk so I’m calling them they) that suggested the law in the warrior code about a leader’s word being law. (Grabs machete like Goldenpaw’s Columbian ancestors) Oh, so Brokenstar’s words were the right law?! And Tigerstar the first was making good laws?! That level of arrogance drives me insane. I think this is the cat that refused Mapleshade the right to see her kits being buried without much of an explanation. I think Darkstar made this rule out of spite to Mapleshade to prove that Darkstar was doing the right thing. This word caused cats in the clans to not speak up against their leaders. Example: when Bluestar lost her faith in StarClan, Fireheart didn’t speak up that much, and neither did the other clan cats.
Bramblestar. This guy was just…well… weak. He’s a good deputy, but he allowed an entire band of rogues with a pregnant queen to be attacked just because Tigerstar the II was his nephew. Bramblestar goes to say his deputy can’t speak up for him, even though he says that’s the reason he picked Squirrelflight as deputy. He also hung out with Jessy a lot, but nothing romantic came out of their friendship. I still smell a cheater! And he abused Squirrelflight mentally, and when Molepaw and Cherrypaw nearly get former dark forest warriors killed on purpose from a fox, he refuses to punish them to “unite” everyone. I’m sure the cats that got hurt weren’t happy about that! Plus, Brambestar threatened some apprentices into taking away their training for some reason, so he’s a hypocrite. That’s like my siblings tricking me into nearly getting killed, and my parents saying, “we should unite so we shouldn’t punish them.” (This scenario I made up never happened btw)
#6. Raggedstar.
I hate him so much. What did Yellowfang even see in him??? He tricked and forced Yellowfanng into being secret mates when he was deputy! He should know better. He also spoiled his son Brokenkit(tail then star) and made him a warrior early, which was against the warrior code. Nightpelt was the only one brave enough to address that fact, and Raggedstar’s excuse is “I know a warrior when I see one.” WE KNOW YOU HAVE EYES RAGGEDSTAR GEEZ. He also was proud of his son when he attacked two Riverclan apprentices just because they refused to admit a lie that Brokenpaw made up was true. The lie was that Riverclan hunted on Shadowclan. Cedarstar (SC’s leader at the time) punished him, and Raggedpelt (about to become star) STILL is mad. He also showed favoritism on Brokentail by making him deputy when he had no apprentice! (I think?) And when that’s addressed, he only snaps. He deserved the dark forest.
#5. Bluestar (Actually Leopardstar seriously a joke)
I’m joking! Bluestar is interesting with good character development. Number five goes to Leopardstar. Leopardstar was a hypocrite, selfish, and racist. She threatened TC to give them Stormkit and Featherkit because “kits belong in their mothers clan.” *A few weeks later* Stormpaw and Featherpaw are inside a prison of bones about to get murdered. WHAT?! YOU THREATENED WAR FOR KITTENS, THEN TRIED TO KILL THEM? She treated those two horribly, and still wanted them in her clan when Tigerstar and Scourge were dead. And she only put up with Tigerstar because she wanted to be mates with him and have kits! But Leapordstar ditched Frogleap to become deputy, but tries to have kits when she’s leader? HUH?! Leapordstar also tried to kill Firestar when he tried to stop her from doing bad things, but gets stopped by Graystripe. She orders Graystripe to kill Firestar. He refuses, and she’s so blinded from her own judgment and loses it and exiles him. Graystripe was only trying to not kill an innocent person. She didn’t even allow Graystripe to say goodbye to Featherpaw or Stormpaw!
#4. Pinestar
HE DISOBEYED STARCLAN AND FOUR OF THE CLAN WERE PUNISHED!!!!!!!!! Let me explain. Pinestar’s former leader, Doestar, warned him if he taught Tigerkit how to be good, nothing bad would happen. *A few years later* He runs away, becomes a kittypet, and hardly expresses remorse or guilt. He spent too much time with Shanty, and I feel like he could’ve been mates with her if a selfish person hadn’t run her over in their car. (Someone should make an article about how twolegs are evil and their the real villains) Pinestar was worried about killing his son and that’s why he ran away, but he had self control, so he has no excuse! And when Leapordfoot is kitting, he runs away and tries to hang out with Shanty! He refuses to see Leopardfoot and their kits, and becomes so overwhelmed, he doesn’t retire in the elders’ den, but becomes a kittypet, of all things! And what home does he choose? Oh a normal twoleg home…NOPE! SHANTY’S FORMER HOME! Tigerkit is ashamed of his fathers actions, and when Lepoardfoot doesn’t discipline him, he grows up reckless and rude. And not just that, evil! If Juniperclaw was sent to the dark forest even though repenting for his sins, Pinestar (who didn’t) should be sent to the dark forest.
#3. Tigerstar II
He’s selfish. He caused the whole fuss about the Sisters, and he was willing to attack a small band of cats with a heavily pregnant queen, Moonlight. His excuse? They shredded Strikestone’s ear and caused it to be deaf, but Strikestone trespassed on the Sisters territory! The Sisters had the right! And Tigerstar was told once (I think) that Moonlight had her kits, but ignored and refused to listen. Then when he goes to help Moonlight when she’s stuck in a cave, he dumbly says “The kits were born already?” Or something like that. He also was refusing to apologize for attacking the Sisters, and tried to drive the Sisters off their land so it could be taken over, but Tigerstar wasn’t gonna have the land, Skyclan was. He’s just as bad as Tigerstar the first. And he knew Moonlight was pregnant!
#2. Oakstar
Oakstar was clouded from judgment. His son, Birchface, was killed by accident from Appledusk, and Flowerpaw tried to save him, but both drowned. Still, Oakstar stubbornly says that Flowerpaw was murdered from Appledusk. Then when he finds out Mapleshade’s kits aren’t Birchfaces but Appledusk, he exiles them. Mapleshade, who broke the warrior code, should’ve been exiled if I were Oakstar, but three innocent kits! Oakstar took his anger out on them just because they were his not-grandchildren is ridiculous, biased, and insane. He exiles cats who aren’t his grandkids when there really not. The three kits all ended up drowning, and he was allowed access to Starclan. Now, here’s a quote from Squirrelflight’s Hope. “Most cats’ fates are decided before they even reach Starclan.” So Oakstar breaking the warrior code by sending three kits to death without a care in the world still allowed him in Starclan. A terrible example to Thunderlcan and the rest of the clans. *GASP* Pinestar caused Tigerkit to be evil, resulting in the clans being driven into chaos, and Oakstar exiled Mapleshade and her kits, resulting in Mapleshade being sent to the DF and killing Spottedleaf! But Oakstar was Pinestars father!!!! So two genetically related cats doomed the clans and a random cat!
#1. Skystar. (Clear Sky)
Despite being forgiven, accepted, and saying he was wrong, Skystar made bad decisions over and over again. There are no excuses. His first bad act was allowing his pregnant mate, Bright Stream, to hunt with the group, resulting in her death and the kits being eaten inside of her. Then, while leader, he forced Jaggedpeak out for his broken hind leg even though they were brothers! Despite being depressed after Bright Streams death and obviously learning his mistake, he allows another pregnant queen to leave his group and give birth in an abandoned twoleg den. And that queen was his mate! Clear Sky failed his unborn kits in Bright Stream, and instead of making it up to baby Thunder, he wants to abandon him! What?! He wanted kits, failed them, then failed them again! He kills Misty without asking why she refused to leave her territory, and it’s because she had kits! He should’ve asked! After being forgiven from Starclan for about the millionth time, he refuses to allow his medicine cat Acorn fur to receive training from Moth flight. Acorn furs mentor (Micah) died early, so she didn’t know what to do. Clear Sky denied that right to train. Because Acorn fur was inexperienced, she couldn’t save Clear Sky’s baby son, Tiny Branch. Clear Sky caused his own son’s death. He didn’t allow his clan to hunt much, instead being protective over borders and making them guard a ridiculous amount of time. And when he lost his ninth life, he stubbornly rages to Starclan how they should send him back! Dude, your life is over, deal with it, and don’t be upset because you’re in FLIPPING PARADISE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!
Therefore, the following names are examples of poor decision making, selfish thoughts, bias, racism, and bigotry. I hope you all have a great time!
I actually disagree with almost every point you make, buuuut I really don’t care enough about most of those cats to point everything out, so I will just bring up 2 cats I think you are most wrong about ;p
7. Bramblestar is a better leader than Firestar, by creating the new rule in the warrior code alone, not to mention all his other accomplishments. He didn’t allow the attack on the Sisters “just because Tigerstar was his nephew”; he did because ALL the other Clans wanted to (and he had tried for a long time to talk them out of it and give Sisters more time to leave on their own), his only other option would have been to stand aside or against the Clans alongside some crazy cultish rogues. (And taking that territory was the only way to avoice ShadowClan trying to force SkyClan out AGAIN, so it was either kicking out rogues or a war between Clans.) He was upset with Squirrelflight because a deputy can’t speak AGAINST their leader, in front of cats from other Clans no less. It undermines the leader’s position and endangers the Clan; WindClan LITERALLY takes ThunderClan’s territory because Squirrelflight disagreed with Bramblestar in front of the other leaders. When he hung out with Jessy, he and Squirrelfight WEREN’T TOGETHER. Him hanging out with Jessy made him realize he still loved Squirrelflight (also, how does this matter to whether a cat was a good or bad leader?). He never abused Squirrelflight, for the love of StarClan stop believing everything Moonkitty says. He hadn’t punished Molepaw and Cherrypaw because ThunderClan beign united was more important, and nobody was hurt.
5. Leopardstar was the best leader we had in RiverClan so far, far better than Crookedstar who let his daughter walk all over him even after she died and Mistystar who either closed her Clan or allied with an evil cat (seriously, it never cases to amaze me how people are on about Leopardstar allying with Tigerstar but nobody ever mentions Mistystar allying with Ashfur xD). She threatened ThunderClan with war because she truly believed Silverstream’s kits belonged in RiverClan, AND this was what Crookedstar wanted too. They didn’t get imprisoned until Leopardstar grew slightly paranoid after Graystripe’s betrayal, but it was Tigerstar who ordered it, as well as organized the trial. Leopardstar didn’t even know about the trial until last moment, and during it she believed Tigerstar was just going to banish them. And she wanted to oppose it, but she realized that Tigerstar would kill her right then if she did, and with her dead and Stonefur imprisoned there would be nobody left to protect RiverClan from Tigerstar. She was truly regretful of her choices, and that’s why she asked Mistyfoot, Stormpaw and Featherpaw back, even making Mistyfoot a deputy. She didn’t ally with Tigerstar because she wanted to be mates with him (in fact, he was the one who tried flirting with her!). She did it for 2 reasons: 1) because over the last 2 years, RiverClan had to deal with river freezing, Twolegs stealing their fish, Twolegs poisoning the river, and then flood. Leopardstar believed that alliance with Tigerstar would ensure they wouldn’t have to relly so much on the river and wouldn’t starve. 2) Tigerstar spend seasons telling her that Firestar was planning to take over the forest, and warned her that Graystripe was a spy he send to RiverClan; surprise surprise, Graystripe betrays her the first chance he gets! Only after his betrayel she allied with Tigerstar. (Also, she literally asked Graystripe directly, why Tigerclaw left ThunderClan, and he lied to her, his Clan’s deputy; if he hadn’t, none of this would have happened.) She allied with Tigerstar for safety against Firestar. She didn’t ditch Frogleap to be a deputy; he ditched HER, because she wouldn’t have as much time for him as he wanted. He made her chose, deputy or him. ” Leapordstar also tried to kill Firestar when he tried to stop her from doing bad things,” Bad things like taking over Sunningrocks? Then literally every RiverClan and ThunderClan leader before them is evil too, including precious Bluestar. Fighting over territory is normal, not evil. Graystripe not only disobeyed her direct order, but also pulled him off her when they were fighting and had warned Firestar that she was planning to take over Sunningrocks at the Gathering, he is a traitor in every sense of the word and he fully deserved to be banished.
I definitely agree with this! Leopardstar is one of my fav characters! 👏
I kind of liked Crookedstar. If anyone is to be blamed, it’s Goosefeather. Read Crookedstar’s Promise.