Official cover art by Owen Richardson for River

5 Reasons Why “A Starless Clan” is Disappointing So Far by Skyshine

Skyshine shares their thoughts on A Starless Clan.

Official cover art by Owen Richardson for River
Official cover art by Owen Richardson for River

Hello it’s Skyshine and this is my first article so let’s get started! Please keep in mind that these are all my opinions and I’d love to hear yours in the comments!
*Spoiler warning: Major spoilers for ASC*

5. Frostpaw got fixed / spayed.
This isn’t really fair in any way. Maybe getting spayed was the trade off for getting healed, but kits need to be the queen’s choice. I really do not like that the Erins made this happen. It was unnecessary and so far it has no impact on the plot whatsoever. I would like to hear what everyone thinks in the comments because this is something that has never happened in the Warriors universe before >:(

4. StarClan is unstable and kind of awful
In my opinion, StarClan was a relatively stable force and source of wisdom and guidance up until The Broken Code, obviously since the connection with StarClan was the main conflict in TBC. I would like to return to that normalcy, and I am unsure why StarClan is hiding from RiverClan in particular. Most of the Clan did nothing wrong in the beginning, so just tell them who their next leader should be! It doesn’t even have to be someone from their Clan, maybe all four of the other leaders receive a dream or all the other clan’s medicine cats have a vision. This is frustrating to me because I thought we had solved the problem of fake visions and a bad connection with StarClan! I want StarClan to go back to being the way it was in The Prophecies Begin and The New Prophecy, not too meddlesome and controlling but still there, constant and offering true guidance.

3. The Clans are getting too big.
I understand that especially in TPB, ThunderClan was SO big in comparison to all of the other Clans. But over time, the Erins did a good job of evening that out. I also want to recognize that yes, inbreeding was a big problem. However, I cannot keep all of the warriors straight. I used to be able to name all the characters in each Clan and give a brief rundown of each, now? I don’t even know all the names of the characters!! I will just be reading, see a character, and have to Google who they are because I literally can’t remember! Plus, RiverClan is decimated. Maybe while RiverClan rebuilds, the Erins can downsize the other Clans. Have some warriors lost to a dog on WindClan’s moors, hail kills a few cats, and some run off to be kittypets, over the course of a few books of course. Also, cats still are inbreeding even though the Clans are this large *ahem Fernpool ahem*

2. Switching Clans is legal now
I think this may be the most unpopular opinion, but I don’t care for the switching Clans rule for two main reasons. One, spying on a Clan would be way too easy. Just pretend to be whiskers over tail in love for a few moons, glean some information, and suddenly return to your own Clan!! It’s as simple as that, and it shouldn’t be. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like Berryheart, but what if a Clan doesn’t want a warrior? What if a rather cold blooded cat like Thistleclaw wanted to join another Clan and used love as a mask? Thistleclaw sweet-talked Spottedpaw / leaf into thinking he loved her, so why couldn’t other cats do that? Two, I think there really is an importance in the same family lines passed down, the same virtues cherished, and ideals protected. It makes a Clan seem more like a family, and that’s important to the plot of Warriors. If all of the Clans fell into indifference and every Clan was pretty much the same from the amount of changing Clans, there would be no need for Clans at all. And if there were no Clans at all and just one big group of cats, then where in the world would our storyline be? Plus, looking at books like “The Lord of the Flies”, I don’t think this one big group would last very long. It would split up eventually. But let me know what you think about this one as it is pretty controversial!

1. I can’t stand the naming of these books.
I promise I am telling the truth on this one. Before I read ASC, before I knew it was even coming out or what the names of the books were, I always had this idea that the very last arc of Warrior Cats would be titled like the books of ASC are. This is why I freaked out when I saw the titles because I thought that the series was ending, but no. In my head, I imagined the order would be Sky, River, Shadow, Wind, Thunder, Star but really order doesn’t matter. It was the aestheticness of ending the series like that which made SO much sense in my head! Especially ending on Star… I do not want the series to end but if it does I want it to end on a good note!! Plus, I do not see the relation of the titles to the plot in any way. For example, in “The Forgotten Warrior”, Hollyleaf, who everyone thought was dead, returns. So, the title has some significance to the plot. I think that the Clan prefixes hold so much significance and should have been saved for something special, not just a middle arc that is in general not very good imo so far. And while really this is a personal problem, it is actually very annoying to me and I wanted to see if others felt the same.

*Note: No hate to the Erins it’s simply just that ASC is my least favorite arc
Thanks for reading my rant and let me know what you think in the comments!

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