[a stylized portrait of Yellowfang with snowflakes falling around her]

Cats Who Got Done The Dirtiest by Ivyfrost

Ivyfrost lists characters whose writing deteriorated over time.

[a stylized portrait of Yellowfang with snowflakes falling around her]
Art by graypillowart (Instagram)
[a stylized portrait of Yellowfang with snowflakes falling around her]

Disclaimer: I have only read up to AVOS, and have not read SH. I will not be discussing Bramblestar, as I hear he’s terrible in SH, which again, I have not read. And there’s a LOT of controversy surrounding him. I will also not be discussing Thistleclaw, for…reasons. (I also have not read DOTC!) Ok, on to the article!

Everyone knows that cats have extreme character un-development, there are many common examples, let’s discuss them, shall we?

Starting of strong: Yellowfang. I LOVED Yellowfang in TPB, her mentor-ish bond with Fireheart was awesome. She died a tragic death in the fire, not gonna lie, I cried. She was the grandma type character who was so grumpy everyone loved her, until….she got thrown in the gutter.
It all starts in YS, one of my least favorite super editions. Yellowfang’s lore actually was okay before this book was published. She was in love with Raggedstar, she had kits, she felt ashamed because she broke the warrior code, and his her secret until she told Fireheart.
But then, the Erins decided that Starclan should be absolute buttholes and Yellowfang now has a TON of trauma to unpack. First of all, Starclan basically cursed her by feeling pain from cats around her, like, what? Then, Starclan forced her to become a medicine cat for no particular reason. And Raggedstar, he has to be one of the most abusive cats in the whole series!
Then, when she dies and we see her in little snippets in Starclan, now SHE’S the butthole. With Leaf and Squilf she seems like a whole different character, and she’s manipulative and loyal with all her heart to Starclan.

Now, here we should start talking about Leafpool.
Leafpool is one of my favorite characters, and I hate the way she’s done dirty.
Basically, in Twilight, Spottedleaf tells her to ‘follow her heart’ and she does. She runs off with Crowfeather, then regrets it, comes back, and then Spottedleaf lectures her about how ‘she wasn’t supposed to do that’ like, what?
Once she has kits, Starclan basically hates her now. After her secret is revealed, Starclan bans her from doing the thing she loves, only to bring her back as a medicine cat suddenly in The Last Hope and Starclan is totally chill with it. They say, ‘she redeemed herself, now she can be happy again’ excuse me, how did she redeem herself?
Then, Starclan basically blames her and Squil for even having and taking care of the kits, even though STARCLAN TOLD THEM TO DO IT IN THE FIRST PLACE. Whatever, poor Leafpool.

Onto Hollyleaf.
Her explanation is relatively short.
She kills Ashfur for some dramatic plot twist, then reveals the secret at the gathering anyway. She tries to kill her mother, then supposedly dies.
In The Forgotten Warrior, she comes back, loves her mother like no tomorrow, and then dies a book later, for real this time.
I love Hollyleaf, and for her character to be butchered like that makes my blood boil.

Next, Snowkit.
Snowkit was introduced to be a cool concept for people to relate to, and a fun interesting new character to go off of. He was deaf, and many could relate to him. This would be a fun new thing for a book series to do and-wait, where’d that hawk come from? Wait, SNOWKIT, NOOOOOOOO-
Yep, they did it. They killed a disabled character. Do I have to say more?

Now, let’s discuss Onestar.
Onestar was a terrible leader. He was nice when he was Onewhisker, and then the stars made him a jerk.
He used to be like, best friends with Firestar before he became leader, and then he hated him.
And then, the whole thing with Smoke. (which I will NOT be discussing today)


Oh no, poor Twigbranch.
Finleap was amazing as Finpaw. I loved him and Twigpaw’s dynamic, I was so happy for her to finally meet someone who will love her…….and then they became mates.
‘Oh Twigbranch, you’ll be such a great mother someday. Speaking of which, any tiny people brewing up in there?’
Honestly, I feel like his apology wasn’t even an apology wasn’t even an apology. He was the best as a little apprentice, I don’t know how he even got this way.

Okay, that’s it! I’d like to hear suggestions so I could (maybe) do a part 2!

Thanks for reading! have a nice day (or night!) 🙂

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