[Snowtuft in the Dark Forest looks down at a cheerful Snowkit in a pink-purple field]

You can’t convince me that Snowtuft isn’t Snowkit; here’s why by Lynxclaw

Lynxclaw shares why they don’t think Snowkit is Snowtuft.

[Snowtuft in the Dark Forest looks down at a cheerful Snowkit in a pink-purple field]
Art by cathero101
[Snowtuft in the Dark Forest looks down at a cheerful Snowkit in a pink-purple field]

Hello BlogClan! This is Lynxclaw with my seventeenth article. (Gosh, soon I’m at twenty!)
Today I’ll talk about one of my favourite Warriors Theories, the theory that Snowtuft from The Broken Code was the same cat as Snowkit in The Prophecies Begin, and why you can’t convince me it isn’t true.
Let’s start!

1. Their descriptions
Snowkit and Snowtuft have very similar descriptions and they have the same prefix.
Snowkit was a small, sturdy, deaf white tom with blue eyes.
Snowtuft was a SMALL, skinny WHITE tom with a long scar snaking from his belly to the tip of his ear. His flanks are also scarred.

Both were small white toms! I know “Snow” is a common prefix, but these cats have a very similar description. Additionally, “Snow” is more common with she-cats than toms.
And for the eye colour, Snowkit has blue eyes, and Snowtuft’s are unknown. I’ve always thought that Snowtuft’s eyes were amber, but no, the Wiki hasn’t confirmed anything. And even if they were amber, all kits have blue eyes at birth, Snowkit’s eyes could easily have turned amber when he grew older. And if they didn’t, well, the Erins can be quite inconsistent with cat eye colours. *cough* Dovewing *cough* Frostpaw *cough, cough*
For Snowtuft’s scars; we know that his long, snaking scar from his belly to his ear-tip was from Shredtail in Fading Echoes. But his scarred flanks could be from the hawk’s talons, and the reason why his long scar is so deep and spoken of all the time in A Light In The Mist, could be that Shredtail reopened it when he attacked Snowtuft in Fading Echoes.

2. He could have survived the hawk
Snowkit’s body is never found, he could have survived the hawk. The hawk could have dropped him when they were closer to the ground, he could have clawed it, the possibilities are countless!
Snowkit could have been dropped on ShadowClan’s territory. Maybe ShadowClan wanted to drive him off at first, but then Tallpoppy, a queen at that time, wanted to take care of him, making him a foster brother to her own litter.
I agree that Snowkit wouldn’t have been taken in when Tigerclawstar was leader, but he could have lived outside Clan territory for a while, before being found by a ShadowClan patrol. Blackstar knew they needed to build up ShadowClan again with more warriors, so he took in Snowkit. And maybe all of Snowkit’s ThunderClan scent was gone from living alone for a while in the wild.
You could argue that ShadowClan wouldn’t take in a deaf kit, but ThunderClan didn’t notice Snowkit’s deafness at once, so why would ShadowClan? When they noticed, it was probably too late. Tallpoppy could have grown to love him like her own kits and didn’t want to cast him out.
You may say that Snowkit wasn’t in the allegiances. No, but many cats weren’t. Smokepaw (you know, the cat who fell off a cliff in The New Prophecy) I headcanon that Smokepaw survived and became Smokefoot, Talonpaw and Snakepaw/tail were about his age, a few moons younger, but only Smokepaw was listed. And Ratscar, who was a little older, wasn’t listed either.

3. He was never seen in StarClan
As you might recall, Snowkit was never seen in StarClan, unlike some kits like Mosskit or Juniperkit or Dandelionkit. This could mean that he survived the hawk, became a ShadowClan warrior, and then became evil.
And, that reminds me. Snowtuft was seen like a “punching bag” by many of the other Dark Forest cats. That makes me wonder if his evil actions weren’t as bad as Mapleshade’s, or Brokenstar’s or Tigerclawstar’s. Maybe they didn’t see him as a real Dark Forest cat. He could have been a side-kick to another evil cat, like Darkstripe was to Tigerclawstar.
I know it says on the wiki that Snowkit went to StarClan, that Vicky said it’s not true that he’s Snowtuft. But I looked it up, and this is what it said on Vicky’s Facebook:
Oh, I do have one fan theory that I love! A lot of people believe that Snowkit survived being carried away by the hawk and grew up to became a warrior called Snowtuft. I would love this to be true!
Vicky’s Facebook (screenshot)

4. The many reasons why Snowtuft could forget his life in ShadowClan:
Snowtuft was a warrior about two moons before Brambleclaw and Tawnypelt. He could have been evil as a young warrior, (and then dying while doing so) and ShadowClan didn’t tell the other Clans about it because they didn’t want to seem weak and divided in front of them. This, the fact that he did evil stuff at such a young age, could answer the question to why he didn’t remember his life before the Dark Forest while talking to Rootspring. Tigerclawstar had been alive for much longer before he died, maybe that affects your memory. And Tigerclawstar had done more memorable stuff when he was alive.
Other things that could have affected Snowtuft’s memory:
He was deaf, and that made him forget things quicker, because he couldn’t “hook it up on sounds”.
The Dark Forest collapsing, making him stressed.
He was more faded than Tigerclawstar, because less cats remember Snowtuft/Snowkit. (I don’t think we know how much Mapleshade actually remembers about her life, considering the fact that she’s fading too. When you’re fading, maybe your memories fade as well).
He could simply have gotten hit by a rock in his head, for StarClan’s sake! /lh 😛

Why Snowtuft doesn’t remember his ThunderClan life could be caused by different things.
a. He was deaf, therefore couldn’t even know the name of his former Clan.
b. He was very young when the hawk carried him away.
c. He could have been hit by another rock! /j
d. Okay, he seriously could have been dropped by the hawk and hit his head, making him forget ThunderClan.

5. Snowtuft could have been a warrior, even though he was deaf.
Yes, Snowkit was deaf. You may be wondering how he could even be evil if he was deaf.
Well, he could have learned to read lips!
I really think he could. Remember when he said: S’alright? If he was deaf, this must have taken lots of focus and patience. If he could learn that, why couldn’t he learn more?
I believe that Snowkit was a highly intelligent cat, as a kit he could say a few words despite his deafness. He could have been a great warrior with that patience!
And remember, Snowkit could mask his deafness for long before Brackenfur noticed him acting weird. He probably knew more words than S’alright.

6. Snowtuft could have healed from his deafness in the Dark Forest
You’re possibly thinking that if Snowtuft was deaf, how could he hear in the Dark Forest?
Well, I’ve not seen many BlogClanners remembering Brokenstar’s blind eyes. No? Had you forgot? You’re not the only one. I didn’t remember before I started researching for this article.
Ivypool would probably have mentioned Brokenstar’s blindness if he was blind in the Dark Forest, comparing him to Jayfeather.
So, maybe the Dark Forest have mild “super-healing-powers”, like StarClan. Not for scars, but for deafness, blindness, fatal wounds, and, possibly; paralyzed legs.
If Snowtuft was still deaf, well, he could still read lips and talk, according to my theory above.

7. Their personalities
Snowkit is described as a skittish, friendly, and playful tomkit. Despite his playful nature, he is shown to be quite vulnerable, unwilling to stand up for himself when playing gets too rough.
Snowtuft is a nervous tom, and the Dark Forest’s ”punching bag”. But he is very brave in the end.
I think we all can see that the quite vulnerable cat who is unwilling to stand up for himself can be found in Snowtuft too.

Well, that was my article. Tell me what you thought in the comments. I’m excited to hear your opinions, but please be kind when doing so. I’ve worked really hard with this, for two hours now, so I really hope you liked it!
Thank you so much for reading <3
Did I convince you? Do you agree with me?
You won’t be able to convince me otherwise though…
Tell me in the comments!

Lynxclaw out!
(by the way, it’s the beginning of summer now, 20*C outside, which is pretty typical Swedish summer. Pretty hot.
When this article comes out, it’ll probably be a rainy, cold day in October. Maybe it’s even snowing. Wow…)

Fan Articles


  • I still don’t get how a KIT that died went to the DF though?? He was never seen in StarClan, but how does that mean he just randomly deserves the Dark Forest? he died as a kit and kits really don’t go to the DF. 0

    Still, awesome article!