Official book covers for The Sisters Grimm series illustrated by Peter Ferguson

Giving kotlc and sisters grim characters warrior names by Silverthorn

Silverthorn gives warrior names to characters from Keeper of the Lost Cities and The Sisters Grimm.

Official book covers for The Sisters Grimm series illustrated by Peter Ferguson
Official book covers for The Sisters Grimm series illustrated by Peter Ferguson

Silverthorn is going to give sisters grim and kotlc characters warrior names. WARNING: this will make no sense if you haven’t read the books.

So with kotlc up first we have to start with Sophie. Obviously amber for the prefix but what about the suffix? Maybe feather, like how a bunch of feathers make up a swan? It’s a stretch, but I like it.

Next is Fitz so teal – of course. He also has a VERY firce temper so let’s go with tiger Tealtiger it is

Now we’re doing dex. While most people only remember that he’s a tecnopath , he also very loyal and actually an alchemist so I want his name to reflect that. I’m actually going to start with the suffix, and overused or not ,I’m going with heart. I want to put something with alchemy in so add in flame ,like an alchemy fire And you get flameHeart. I know it’s Canon but it’s only Canon for like 5 seconds and it’s so perfect

Biana is getting mirrorscar . Pretty straightforward. The Clans have no clue what mirrors are , but this is too perfect

Now Tam gets to be slivershade for obvious reasons. Linh become sparklesplash because I’m pretty sure the Clans know what sparkles are . Hmm maybe I should have used sparkle for biana

For the last few that are not, by any means, less important:
Marella is flamespark
Veprsa is prismblast
Markua is purple*shield
Wylie is eelbeam
Gisela is stonestar
Umber is darkarrow
Brant is firewall
Fintan is blazeember
Rayni is glimmerexplosion I know it’s long just roll with it
Forkle is blackswan
Alvar is not dead just kidding, betrayalcuff

*yes they know what purple is because they describe meadow saffron as purple in Squirrelflights hope

Now the sisters grim characters

Sabrina gets sneak as her suffix be she is literally the queen of sneaks. She is also a very good leader but since she already has a suffix her new name is starsneak

Daphne gets magic somewhere in her name so now we just need the rest. How about a battle esk name like claw. Magic claw sounds nice

I’m in a huge rush so
Red is frostmoon and so is frostpaw
Relda is motherland
Mirror is thornstem
Queen of hearts is redhead
Nottingham is daggerclaw
Sorry this last part was rushed goodby!

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