Hi, everyone. As many of you know, BlogClan doesn’t like to get political unless it’s our own deputy and medicine cat elections, and this won’t be changing. But for some of our clanmates, who have been hearing voices and opinions from all sides, the past few days and particularly last night have been incredibly stressful, so I wanted to take a moment out of your day to take a step back and remind you to take care of yourself <3
There’s going to be a lot of talking outside of the blog over the next few weeks from the news, from the adults, maybe even from some of your friends. You might feel scared and you might start to feel you don’t know what to do or who to listen to, but I want you to know something:
Someone, somewhere, was thinking about your well-being last night. They thought about you and your future and they wanted you to be safe.
That person may also feel scared but they are going to keep going and keep their head up for you. They believe in you and all of the wonderful things you’re going to do in your life.
We here on the blog – we believe in you too. You, who are alive and chatting away with us, are precious and cherished by so many people. Each and every one of us here believes that your life has meaning, no matter who you are, where you’re from, or what you believe in. We are all humans living on the same planet and breathing the same air, and that’s such a miraculous thing <3
The blog will always be somewhere you can retreat to for a break, even beyond these stressful times. I’m sure some of you may have seen the news already that our beloved Kate Cary has hung up her hat as an Erin. After 21 years of bringing the Clans to life, she has decided to move on and try other writing ventures. Maybe it’s a bit redundant to say, but I know that we are all so, so grateful to her, Cherith, Vicky, and the rest of the Erin Hunter team for bringing us together with their stories. Have fun, Kate! We can’t wait to see what story you share with us next <3
And don’t worry, the blog isn’t going anywhere. Kate wants to keep the blog up for as long as we want the blog to be up <3
With love,
I think I needed this. 🙂 thanks! also, will Kate Cary still be on the blog? Or is she still having the blog up and leaving?
Kate left the blog a while ago, so it’s run by us now 🙂