Happy belated birthday to those whose birthdays occurred during the 403 errors! Even though you didn’t get separate posts, BlogClan is here to celebrate your birthdays!
Briarpaw’s birthday was October 28th! Happy belated birthday, Briarpaw! How was your birthday? What kind of cake did you have? What gifts did you get, and did you get to spend time with family or friends? <3
Ooh, that cake looks really good! Too bad it is only digital… I hope you like it!
And I made a haiku for you!!
Briars twine around
A slim birch wood stump, on which
Sunbeams shine upon
And, Dewpaw/spot’s birthday was October 30th! Happy belated birthday, Dewpaw! Did you have an awesome day and fun plans? I hope you had fun! :DD
I hope you like the cheesecake! <3 it looks very good hehe :3
Now for the gifts! <3 I made you a haiku!!
Dew sparkles on grass
The blades of grass are many
The sun is dazzling.
Next is Autumnrose, whose birthday was October 31st! <3 How are you doing, Autumnrose? What gifts did you get? Did you have a fun time? Happy belated birthday, Autumn!
That cake looks REALLY good!!! I hope you like it, Autumnrose!!
I made you a haiku as well! :3
Autumn leaves drift down
Landing on the forest floor
And more leaves float down
Lastly is Ivymoon, whose birthday was also October 31st, happy belated birthday!!!! How was your birthday, Ivymoon? Did you have any delicious foods? Did you receive any birthday gifts?
That cake must have taken a lot of work to make! ^^ and the macarons looks delicious! I hope you like it!
Now for the gifts! I also made you a haiku! :3
Many ivy leaves
The bright moon shines upon them
The scene is serene
Once again, happy belated birthday to Briarpaw, Dewpaw/spot, Autumnrose, and Ivymoon, and we hope that you had an amazing birthday! <3 Silvs out!
happy belated birthdays!! hope you all had a great time! <3