Guess whose special day it is today…

It’s LILYBREEZE’s BlogClan clanniversary! Hooray! We’re all gathered together to celebrate the tremendous achievements this mod, Apprentice Army Ultimate Accomplice, and friend to many, has made throughout her time on the blog!

It’s time for cake!! I heard that you’re a long-time horseback rider, so I took the liberties of finding a fun horse-themed cake for you today! It certainly looks very detailed. I hope you enjoy the cake as you read through the rest of the post!

Alright… It’s gift time! Today I have made a little acrostic poem to celebrate your clanniversary! You’ve certainly made a large impact on the blog, Lil, and I hope you enjoy the celebrations and special wishes you get from all the lovely comments below.
All these words describe you, and the countless positive achievements you’ve done to give back to the Blog community (though I must confess, it took some time to find the right words for y and z 😉). We’re all so glad that you’ve stuck around for as long as you have, Lil! Thank you for all the hard work that you do as a mod, and all the wonderful comments you’ve made throughout the years.
Some questions: Answer as many as you like! How has the apprentice army changed since you first started it? Did you ever expect to be a mod when you first joined? What is one special memory you have?

Happy Clanniversary, Lilybreeze!
Happy Clanniversary Lil! <3
happy clanniversary, Lil!!
Happy clanniversary, Lil!!! 💞