[a close-up portrait of Rowanclaw stalking while the sun is low in the sky]

BlogClan’s opinions on Rowanclaw/star by Jackdawpaw

Jackdawpaw highlights BlogClan’s thoughts on Rowanclaw/star.

[a close-up portrait of Rowanclaw stalking while the sun is low in the sky]
Official art by Rowan Richardson
[a close-up portrait of Rowanclaw stalking while the sun is low in the sky]

Hello, Jackdawpaw here with another article! This time, I was too lazy to come up with own opinions, especially since I barely know what they are, so I asked some Clanmates (aka fellow BlogClanners) instead! Anyways, the subject is Rowanclaw/star! Let’s begin:

“Rowanclaw is a character I find somewhat inconsistent. In Power of Three he is portrayed as being hostile and hot-headed towards all cats, whereas in later arcs (AVoS) he is suddenly more nervous and insecure. The reason for this shift is not seen on screen, which left me slightly befuddled and not entirely certain of his motivations. In terms of his largest role of the story (that of a weak leader in AVoS), I was left with a moderate dislike towards him, due to his lack of thought and cowardly actions. He was the reason for his own downfall, and while I can understand his perpective in fleeing, as leader, holds a moderate part of the blame for the collapse of ShadowClan.”

– Yeah, his character shift is interesting, I agree. He clearly changed somewhere between the arcs. He totally lost control of not only Darktail, but his apprentices before that.


– Well, that’s one way to put it!

He was such a strong warrior and I’m still really confused on why he was a great warrior and such a bad leader. I wanted him to be a better leader, but I guess he needed to be part of the plot . . .

– Yes, that’s probably true, plot reasons aren’t always good ones but they’re certainly needed.

I love him. He was an honest, good-hearted leader who just wanted what was best for his clan. He didn’t want to punish his cats, he didn’t want to upset them, but he still very much wanted to keep the integrity of his clan in check. He may have lost control of his clan to Darktail, but he was a wonderful, nice leader who just wanted what’s best for his clan WITHOUT violence. We need a lot more leaders like him 🙂

– I haven’t thought of it that way, but you’re very right! He was a peaceful leader whom I think ShadowClan probably needed after Brokenstar and Blackstar, however, apparently, his Clan saw this as a weakness.

I think that’s all cause I’m feeling too lazy to gather more opinions, but I definitely think Rowanclaw is an underrated topic to discuss that I find very interesting. Jackdawpaw out!

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