[a distant snapshot of ThunderClan's camp full of cats performing various actions]

ThunderClan warriors as Clan leaders (part 1) by Jackdawpaw

Jackdawpaw considers different ThunderClan warriors and whether they’d make for good leaders.

[a distant snapshot of ThunderClan's camp full of cats performing various actions]
Art by hawkthespork (Warriors Amino)
[a distant snapshot of ThunderClan’s camp full of cats performing various actions]

Hello, Jackdawpaw here (again)! In this article I’m going to take a look at some ThunderClan warriors from TPB, TNP, PoT, OoTS, and AVoS and decide whether they would have made good Clan leaders or not. Just to explain quickly more exactly how I chose them: I noted every warrior from these arcs (took a while), then I put them all in a Wheel of Names and spun the wheel to pick the names.

So, first up:

Hmmm. I’m not sure here. I think she’d do okay, but she’s not as tough as her sister. She’s a bit too soft, not to mention her loyalty didn’t even lie with ThunderClan, but with Tigerheart/star. So, I don’t think this would be such a good idea.

This one is interesting. She doesn’t really feel like the leader type, but she’s had five apprentices (Molewhisker, Fernsong, Larksong, Stemleaf, and Bristlefrost for those who wonder), so she must be a rather good warrior, still. As I said, she doesn’t have the typical leader aura, but I still think she would be better than Dovewing.

So, first, this would be very confusing since that would mean there would be two Leafstars, and they would need to be called nicknames or “Leafstar the 1st” and “Leafstar the 2nd”, which would be very weird. But, other than that, looking at Leafshade’s personality, I really don’t think she’s the leader type. We don’t get to know much about her personality (in my terrible memory), but if I remember it right she got an apprentice before any of her littermates, which means she’s probably more responsible than any of them. However, she still doesn’t feel like a Clan leader, though still, better than Dovewing I think.

Yazzz! This is what we all (or, maybe just me but whatever) wanted! Firestar stated in some book that he was as good as ready to choose Brackenfur as deputy, but “it didn’t feel right when he realized Brackenfur would be the next leader”. So, apparently, in Firestar’s opinion, Brackenfur would not be a good leader. I, however, think otherwise; I think Brackenstar would be a great idea (and would make the whole plot more interesting cause he’s not a major character like Bramblestar was). So yeah, I think Brackenfur is the best one so far.

So, uh, to be honest, I think a ThunderClan Cloudstar would stir up a bit of trouble. Like, he wouldn’t be like Brokenstar, of course, but he’s definitely more up for a fight than Firestar or Brambleclaw. However, he is a strong warrior, and that would take him far, I think, and we’ve always known he likes to decide over his own life and do what he wants, so I think the leader role would suit him relatively well. I don’t think he would be the ideal leader of ThunderClan though, but Clan leader fits his personality good, I think.

Nah, I wouldn’t think so. It feels like he’s a bit easily distracted, like, he wants to be a good warrior, of course, but he thinks about a lot other things too (like Dovewing, though that was a long time ago). Of course leaders can have lives outside leadership too, but Bumblestripe just doesn’t feel like the kind of guy we’re looking for.

So, this is pretty similar to Cloudtail, I think. He would stir up some trouble but that wouldn’t be unusual, if we compare him to any other leader than Bramblestar and Firestar. Thornclaw wouldn’t be worse than Blackstar, and Blackstar was a pretty average ShadowClan leader. Thornclaw is also a pretty strong warrior and he’s not afraid of getting his voice heard. So, I think Thornstar would be okay, but ThunderClan would never allow it to happen.

Okay, so, I don’t know much about Spotfur, I just know that Stemleaf likes her, she has a novella (that I haven’t read yet), and she did not join her littermates to become kittypets. These three are all good signs, I think. I’ve still read a few books where she’s a warrior, and there she actually seems stronger and braver than most, so I’d say she’d make a good leader. She wouldn’t be perfect, of course, but, uh, better than Dovewing!

I don’t find Mousewhisker such an interesting character; he just kind of is there and lives for quite long. We all (or, at least, me) remember his backstory, which is more interesting than many other cats’, but still not that amazing. If we take a look at his personality, I don’t think it seems to suit a Clan leader too good. If I remember it right, he trained in the Dark Forest, which could be a sign of weakness, showing he’s easily manipulated, but all the same, Crookedstar, Brambleclaw, and Ivypool all trained in the Dark Forest, and if anything, that made them stronger. I think Mousewhisker isn’t really remarkable enough, so he wouldn’t be a good leader.

I barely see the difference between Mousewhisker and Molewhisker, lol. They have basically the same name and their characters aren’t so different, either. Again, I don’t know much about Molewhisker, but as far as I know, he’s just some guy. But, he’s very patient, as we saw when he was training Alderheart, so that’s something 😀 I still don’t think Molestar would be a good idea, though. He doesn’t have the spirit.

So, that was all from me today! Part 2 should come out in a while! Jackdawpaw out!

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