Halokit shares their thoughts on Dovewing’s eye colour.
Hi! I am Halokit! I was originally Willowdawn (not Wills, i am the second one) and I found that out, and became Halodawn! But theeeeeen I took a break cos of schoolwork, and then I came back and forgot my training, and now I am Halopaw!
Today, I will be sharing my theory on Dovewing’s eye color!
You see, this has been a HUUUUGE debate for a really long time, and I think I figured out something that EVERYONE can agree on! but first, let’s cover a few things!
Why people think her eyes are GREEN:
Green has become the most popular theory, because after OoTS, in the Allegiances, she is mentioned to have green eyes, but some people are still on the fence. So, This adds to what I’m working on. But, there’s another option!
Why people think her eyes are BLUE:
This is the second most popular opinion. When she was an apprentice, that’s when she was said to have blue eyes. But then she became a warrior, and her eyes turned green. This led to some people believing that she has rainbow eyes! Which would be cool, but unfortunatly, it’s not true.
Why people think her eyes are GOLDEN:
This is the least popular theory, as she has only been mentioned ONCE to have golden eyes. *pokes eyes* I don’t really think that this is true, because as I said, there isn’t much evidence that her eyes are golden!
Why people think she has SHAPESHIFTING EYES:
Idk, this isnt really popular but I have heard some claims that her eyes shapeshift sometimes. It’s really confusing, and this is NOT AT ALL my theory.
Why people think her eyes are RAINBOW:
Haha, this would be really awesome, but unfortunately, its not canon (like a bunch of ships I love) but I mainly think this isn’t true because her eyes have never been mentioned as red, orange, indigo, purple, or pink (if a cat had purple or pink eyes, theyd be my fav ngl)
My theory is that…
One eye is green, one eye is blue, and her pupils are golden. This is how I normally doodle her, because it’s fun and it makes the most sense. While it has been confirmed by the Erins that her eyes are green, it’s still fun to draw her like this!
I hope you guys enjoyed, and that you don’t mind that it was extremely short! hehe yes i sowwy 🙁 Anyway, let me know what your opinions are in the comments!!
God bless your day and may StarClan light your path!
Haha cool article! This is an awesome way to draw her thoo!
Also being a warrior/apprentice is dependant on age not training… Elementary school (year 1 2 3 4 5) is kit, Middle school (year 6, 7, 8) is apprentice and high school (9, 10, 11, 12) is warrior!
Reminder this article was written a few months back! They’ve probably acknowledged the blog system by now 😀
(Considering they go by Halokit now lol)
Awesome article! Still waiting for the wiki to change her eyes to purple in 2025 😀
No but fr, I like the concept that her eyes are normally green, but when she uses her hearing powers they turn blue! Obvi that could never happen irl but it would be fun to use in animations or fanwork lol
*mind blown*
Cool article!! I think they’re green :DD
Neat theory! I always say that her eyes are always green, but when she uses her powers her pupils become stars like this ❇️
Great article! But I just think that they kept forgetting and didn’t bother to check. Like Crowfeathers brother! Srsly tho check out Moonkitti’s “Mini” Talking: Deadfoot
i think u might be on the wrong article…
naurrrrr its still under the name Halopaw :C
You can ask the mods to change it for ya if you want!
Cool article! I’m firmly under “Dovewing’s eyes are green” umbrella, but sometimes I draw her with heterochromia 😀
Cool article, and I think all kits are born with blue eyes and change into different colours when the get older.
Hey, maybe she was born with blue eyes and they changed to green over time. Could be, I suppose, since most kittens are born with blue eyes and they change later
Great article!
i think they’re turquoise with gold irises :3 cool theory!!