The Average WindClan Leader by Ivypaw

Ivypaw creates the average leader of WindClan.

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The Average WindClan Leader
Written by Ivypaw
(This article is inspired by Sorrelpaw)
Hi! I am Ivypaw and I will find out what an average WindClan leader is. (I will only be listing leaders I have read about, so the newest leader will be Onestar. (I have only read up to Thunder and Shadow.))
First, I will be listing all of the WindClan leaders. 1: Windstar 2: Gorsestar 3: Heatherstar 4: Tallstar 5: Onestar.
(I found all of the information on Warrior Cats Wiki.) First up, we have… Windstar! Let’s look at her body features: She is wiry and has a narrow face. Next, we will be looking at her colors: She is a brown tabby with yellow eyes. Now we will look at her amount of kin: She has 2 daughters, 2 sons, and 1 mate. And finally, her personality: It is stated that she is proud, wily, (I have no idea what that word means) and stubborn. Cool!
Next up we have… Gorsestar! 1: He is described to be wiry with a long tail and spiky fur. 2: He is a grey tabby with green eyes. 3: He has 2 daughters, 2 sons, and 1 mate. 4: Last but not least, his personality! He is said to be brave, devoted, and trustworthy. Interesting!
Our next leader is… Heatherstar! Let’s look at her information. 1: She is said to be small, with thick but sleek fur. 2: She is described as pale pinkish-grey (Is that even a real fur color?) with blue eyes. 3: I am pretty sure she has no official kin. 4: Heatherstar is sincere, intelligent, and capable. Wow!
Our fourth leader is… Tallstar! (One of my favorite leaders!) 1: He is described to be large and muscular, (Okay… I’ve never thought of him as muscular.) he has thick fur, and he has a long and skinny tail. 2: He is black-and-white with amber eyes. 3: I’m also pretty sure he has no official kin. 4: His personality traits are, loyal, friendly, and brave. Impressive!
Last but not least, (Actually he is the worst, but whatever.) Onestar>:( 1: He is small, lithe, and lean with small paws and long whiskers. 2: His coat color and pattern is mottled pale brown tabby, and his eye color is amber. 3: He has 2 daughters, 1 son, and 2 mates. 4: It is said that he is proud, haughty, and weak-willed.
Now, I will be tallying the information by how many cats match each fact. First up, body features! Wiry: 2. Narrow face: 1. Long tail: 2. Spiky fur: 1. Small: 2. Sleek: 1. Thick fur: 2. Large: 1. Muscular: 1. Skinny tail: 1. Lean: 1. Lithe: 1. Small paws: 1. Long whiskers: 1. Okay. If you are a WinClan leader you are most likely, wiry, small, thick-furred, and you have a long tail.
Now, we will see the most common colors. Brown tabby or brown mottled tabby: 2. Grey tabby: 1. Pale pinkish-grey: 1. Black-and-white: 1. Yellow eyes: 1. Green eyes: 1. Blue eyes: 1. Amber eyes: 2. So, most WindClan leaders are brown tabbies with amber eyes.
Next up, we will see the average amount of kin for a WindClan leader. 2 daughters: 3. 2 sons: 2. 1 mate: 2. No known kin: 2. 1 son: 1. 2 mates: 1. Most leaders of WindClan have 2 daughters, either 0 or 2 sons, and either 0 or 1 mate.
Lastly, we will find the average personality traits. Proud: 2. Wily: 1. Stubborn: 1. Brave: 2. Devoted: 1. Trustworthy: 1. Sincere: 1. Intelligent: 1. Capable: 1. Loyal: 1. Friendly: 1. Haughty: 1. Weak-willed: 1. Most WindClan leaders are brave and proud.
Yay! We’re finished! Well, not yet. We have to do one more thing. The average WindClan leader is a brown tabby cat with amber eyes. They are also wiry, small, thick-furred, and they have a long tail. They would have 2 daughters, 0 or 2 sons, and 0 or 1 mate. And their personality would be proud and brave.
Thank you so much for reading my article! Please write in the comments if you have in questions, if I made any mistakes, or if you have any comments. (PS: this is my first article!)

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