Ivypaw creates the average leader of WindClan.
The Average WindClan Leader
Written by Ivypaw
(This article is inspired by Sorrelpaw)
Hi! I am Ivypaw and I will find out what an average WindClan leader is. (I will only be listing leaders I have read about, so the newest leader will be Onestar. (I have only read up to Thunder and Shadow.))
First, I will be listing all of the WindClan leaders. 1: Windstar 2: Gorsestar 3: Heatherstar 4: Tallstar 5: Onestar.
(I found all of the information on Warrior Cats Wiki.) First up, we have… Windstar! Let’s look at her body features: She is wiry and has a narrow face. Next, we will be looking at her colors: She is a brown tabby with yellow eyes. Now we will look at her amount of kin: She has 2 daughters, 2 sons, and 1 mate. And finally, her personality: It is stated that she is proud, wily, (I have no idea what that word means) and stubborn. Cool!
Next up we have… Gorsestar! 1: He is described to be wiry with a long tail and spiky fur. 2: He is a grey tabby with green eyes. 3: He has 2 daughters, 2 sons, and 1 mate. 4: Last but not least, his personality! He is said to be brave, devoted, and trustworthy. Interesting!
Our next leader is… Heatherstar! Let’s look at her information. 1: She is said to be small, with thick but sleek fur. 2: She is described as pale pinkish-grey (Is that even a real fur color?) with blue eyes. 3: I am pretty sure she has no official kin. 4: Heatherstar is sincere, intelligent, and capable. Wow!
Our fourth leader is… Tallstar! (One of my favorite leaders!) 1: He is described to be large and muscular, (Okay… I’ve never thought of him as muscular.) he has thick fur, and he has a long and skinny tail. 2: He is black-and-white with amber eyes. 3: I’m also pretty sure he has no official kin. 4: His personality traits are, loyal, friendly, and brave. Impressive!
Last but not least, (Actually he is the worst, but whatever.) Onestar>:( 1: He is small, lithe, and lean with small paws and long whiskers. 2: His coat color and pattern is mottled pale brown tabby, and his eye color is amber. 3: He has 2 daughters, 1 son, and 2 mates. 4: It is said that he is proud, haughty, and weak-willed.
Now, I will be tallying the information by how many cats match each fact. First up, body features! Wiry: 2. Narrow face: 1. Long tail: 2. Spiky fur: 1. Small: 2. Sleek: 1. Thick fur: 2. Large: 1. Muscular: 1. Skinny tail: 1. Lean: 1. Lithe: 1. Small paws: 1. Long whiskers: 1. Okay. If you are a WinClan leader you are most likely, wiry, small, thick-furred, and you have a long tail.
Now, we will see the most common colors. Brown tabby or brown mottled tabby: 2. Grey tabby: 1. Pale pinkish-grey: 1. Black-and-white: 1. Yellow eyes: 1. Green eyes: 1. Blue eyes: 1. Amber eyes: 2. So, most WindClan leaders are brown tabbies with amber eyes.
Next up, we will see the average amount of kin for a WindClan leader. 2 daughters: 3. 2 sons: 2. 1 mate: 2. No known kin: 2. 1 son: 1. 2 mates: 1. Most leaders of WindClan have 2 daughters, either 0 or 2 sons, and either 0 or 1 mate.
Lastly, we will find the average personality traits. Proud: 2. Wily: 1. Stubborn: 1. Brave: 2. Devoted: 1. Trustworthy: 1. Sincere: 1. Intelligent: 1. Capable: 1. Loyal: 1. Friendly: 1. Haughty: 1. Weak-willed: 1. Most WindClan leaders are brave and proud.
Yay! We’re finished! Well, not yet. We have to do one more thing. The average WindClan leader is a brown tabby cat with amber eyes. They are also wiry, small, thick-furred, and they have a long tail. They would have 2 daughters, 0 or 2 sons, and 0 or 1 mate. And their personality would be proud and brave.
Thank you so much for reading my article! Please write in the comments if you have in questions, if I made any mistakes, or if you have any comments. (PS: this is my first article!)
Great article!
Great article!
Me is posting this comment after reading the first paragraph. You missed 2 windclan leaders- I understand if u missed them if you haven’t read Ivypool’s Heart. The leaders you missed are Galestar and Harestar. Harestar is the existing Windclan leader, and Galestar was the third Windclan leader!
I have come back after reading the whole thing. Great article! (Wily means skilled at gaining an advantage, especially deceitfully) (Oh and also Tallstar’s parents are Sandgorse and Palebird, and his sister was Finchkit. She died shortly after birth. Also Palebird’s second mate was Woolytail, and they had his half-siblings Wrenflight, Bristlebark, Rabbitear, and Flytail.)
She said clearly she’d only list the characters she’d read about, so that’s why she excluded Galestar and Harestar ^^ /nm
Thanks to ur feedback! When I made this article, Harestar wasn’t leader yet (He now is on the book I’m currently reading) And I still haven’t read about Galestar. Also, for the kin part, I was only recording mates and kits 🙂
Aaaaaaaaaaaaa i made this sooooooo long ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In august but that still feels so long ago lol
Yay congrats Ivz!
This is a brilliant article! Honestly I’m so tired I stared at ‘inspired by Sorrelpaw’ for ages thinking ‘who’s sorrelpaw?’ lol
Thanks! I don’t remember who Sorrelpaw was 😛😭 I must have read a really old article written by someone named Sorrelpaw 😛
great analysis!
I’m really glad to see people crediting others in their articles <3 Great article! Another interesting tidbit, out of the five leaders, three were toms, so apart from being brown tabby with amber eyes, wiry, small, etc., they would also likely be a tom (the most recent WindClan leader Harestar is also a tom, as is his deputy, Crowfeather.)
Thanks, and oh yeah, ur right!
Cool article!! :DD
Great article!!
Btw Onestar has three sons, Kestrelflight, Harespring(star) and darktail. And he had another daughter called Galekit, but she was stillborn…
i should do one like this
Cool article! ;DD