Cheesepaw shares a guide for new members.
Hiya folks! Today, I have created a simple guide for new blogclanners! Let’s dive straight in!
First of all, you’re going to want to create a blogclan account! This can be done by clicking the person icon at the top of the screen, and clicking ‘log in’. Then, click ‘create account’ (there should be a button).
Second, you’re going to want to make yourself a warrior name! This can be as unique or as simple as you want! It can be anything at all!
Third, you’re going to need to know your rank, so you can submit a form to get on the Allegiances, but we will go into that later. To find out your rank, match your age to this:
Under 11-12 = you’re a kit! Get your warrior name, but put a kit after your prefix, then /suffix (ect, Violetkit/shadow)
12-14 = apprentice! Get your warrior name and put ‘paw’ after the prefix, then / your suffix! (Ect, Ripplepaw/dawn)
14-out of school = warrior! This means you can just get your warrior name, and nothing needs to go after it! (Ect, Wolfclaw)
Out of school = elder! Just get your warrior name, and nothing else!
Next, let’s submit the form to get yourself on the Allegiances!
Click on the ‘new member’ tab, then ‘our Allegiances’, and there should be a button that says ‘main Allegiance form’. Click this, and there should be a link to the form! Click the link, and fill in the details:
Here is an example:
Name: (put in your warrior name, with kit or paw instead of your prefix if you’re a kit or apprentice)
Description: (type a description of your character- basically just what it looks like!)
Why are you filling in this form?: (there should be some options, but you’re going to click ‘I am new to blogclan’
Mentor or apprentice: (if you have a mentor or apprentice, type the name of them here, you can look for a mentor/apprentice on the Allegiances Chat Page under the ‘need company?’ Tab!)
Now that that’s sorted, you can make a profile picture! This can be anything- a character from a TV show, your cat (that you drew, but I’ll write an article on that after I’ve done this one, so hopefully you see), or a funny GIF! After you’ve done that, you can create a display name! Here’s how:
First, you’re going to want to make a display name- this will include:
•your blogclan name (ect, Midgetpaw/shadow, Redkit/shade, Stoneleaf(
•your pronouns (ect, she/her, They/ them)
•your nicknames
•quotes (these can be inspirational or just for humor!)
•emojis to make it brighter!
After you’ve made your display name, you’re going to click the person icon, then ‘edit profile’! Then, type your display name in the box titled ‘nickname’ and scroll down till you see the button ‘update profile’. Click it, then scroll up and change your public display name with the button!
Now let’s get into emojis and text fonts!
So, what are text fonts?
Text fonts are special fonts you can use by typing code around your text! Here are the current ones, but more might be added!
bold text = (strong) your text (/strong)
text in italics= (em) your text (/em)
red text
= (code) your text (/code)
text with a line through it= (strike) your text (/strike)
But, instead of the brackets, you have to use angle brackets, which are just instead of ( and )!
Now you’ve figured out how to do that, let’s get onto the emojis!
So, how can I use emojis if my keyboard doesn’t support them?
Blogclan has a set of symbol combinations that automatically turn them into emojis when moderated! Here are the current ones:
☺ = a colon ( which is this : ) and a bracket facing the colon like this ) with no spaces in between
😀 = a colon and a capital D with no spaces in between
😛 = a colon and a capital P with no spaces in between
😉 = a semi-colon (which is this ; ) and a bracket facing the semi-colon with no spaces in between
😮 = a colon with a lowercase o with no spaces in between
☹ = a colon with a bracket facing away from the colon like this ( with no spaces in between
Alright, now, I will answer some questions you all probably have! I have bullet-pointed answers to them!
How can I be well-known on blogclan?
•Be active on most of the pages (by commenting a lot and being friendly)
•comment on articles (by finding an article and complimenting it in some way)
•write articles (on the submit your article page)
•write a fanfiction (on the share your fanfiction page)
•start a game (on the games page)
•try out taking art requests from fellow blogclanners (on the art page)
What if I have a question about warriors?
You can ask your question on the ask the experts page, and you should get replies!
What if I have a question about blogclan?
Click on the ‘all pages’ tab, then scroll down till you see the ‘blogteam den’ link, and click on it then comment your question on the page!
Anyway, that’s all for now! Have fun, blogsters, and see you around… Cheeso, out!
very helpful, tysm!
Uhhh Cheeso??
I was Ripplepaw/dawn 😛 /nm /lh
Tysm, Girl! This helps so much! Hope you have a good day!
A fantastic, helpful, and extremely informative article! You have earned this new BlogClanner’s seal of approval!