Guess who is celebrating their birthday today! That’s right, it’s the amazing Blossomrose
Now for a special edition of Jaz’s birthday broadcast: Today it is also National tempura day, national bobblehead day, and for those celebrating, the Orthodox Christmas. Now, your birthday falls on I can’t take it anymore day, so is there anything in your life you want to change? Then go for it! That’s it for today’s edition, but what is it that I smell cooking… ah yes! A birthday special…. The cake… (or ice cream in our case)
I also heard you liked waffles so here’s a little extra surprise!
That’s all we have time for but do tell us Bloss, have anything planned? Got any gifts? Your are a very kind and imaginative member and on behalf of the blog, happy birthday!!!!! -Jasminepaw out
Happy Birthday Blossomrose!
Happy birthday!!!
Happy birthday Bloss!!!!
Happy birthday Bloss!
Awwwww thank you everyone! This means the world to me! Lots of love to everyone in the comments!