Tempestpaw argues why Goosefeather should’ve gone to the Dark Forest.
![[image description: a grey cat with darker spots and blue eyes]](https://blogclan.katecary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Goosefeather.NO-8-264x300.png)
[image description: a grey cat with darker spots and blue eyes]
It’s Tempester here (thanks Jackdawpaw for the nickname😛) for a massive hate rant about Goosefeather… He is the complete bane of my life.
Bluestar’s Prophecy
Do I even have to get into this? I’m gonna snowball, I’m warning you.
So first, he was a pretty bad uncle when he let Snowkit(fur) eat those poppy seeds. I mean he left two kids in a room full of medicine and expected them NOT TO CHEW IT ALL UP?! Really?! At the start of the book he was like a father to Bluekit (Stormtail was awful) and then I think he got… Kinda maniacal. After that, he got the “prophecy” that led to the battle in WindClan… Y’know the one that killed Moonflower, his sister and BLUEPAW’S MOTHER AND SENT THUNDERCLAN INTO REPRIMAND FOR MOONS. THAT battle😠.
*Hysterical laughter* as if that WASN’T ENOUGH he also received the next “prophecy” that led to basically every sacrifice Bluestar ever made by telling her she could be leader! Aaaaand he convinced her to give up her kits! *Dawnpaw we did it😼 now we have proof* so Bluestar haters; you are wrong! (Not to hurt any feelings sorry sorry sorry) It wasn’t Bluestar’s fault that Mosskit died! It was Goosefeather driving her mad for the deputyship. The only helpful prophecy he ever received was the DATE OF HIS DEATH.
Crookedstar’s Promise
Now, in CP he plays a very small part with VERY big consequences. Back in an early chapter of CP when Stormkit(Crookedstar) and Oakkit(heart) snuck out of camp to explore Sunningrocks, it said that an old gray cat was picking herbs. So clearly a medicine cat, huh? When Stormkit tries to run away over THE STEPPING STONES (you can probably see where I’m going with this) it says the cat says:
*Tempy you’re about to do it! Destroy his reputation!*
“You can’t get away from old Goosefeather!”
There you go. It was Goosefeather chasing Crookedstar when he fell and broke his jaw. That lead to his mother hating and disowning him, his parents splitting up, and basically most bad things that happened to him. Oh, did I mention that IT WAS WHEN HE FELL OFF THE ROCK HE MET MAPLESHADE. Check and mate Goosefeather 😈.
So there you have it, Goosefeather needs to go to the dark forest. I mean, he’s clearly worse than FRECKLEWISH. I mean seriously.
Donuts to all🍩🍩
Tempy OUT
*Mic drop*
Great article although Goosefeather can’t change his actions and is bound by destiny.
If Bluestar didn’t become Deputy then Bye Bye Thunderlan! Hello Thistleclan! and warriors wouldn’t had even made it to Into the wild.
Not sure about this one but didn’t Goosefeather know exactly what was going to happen to Crookedstar, and that he was suppose to be leader too
You’re welcome 😌😌😌
Anyways so I agree on some points and disagree on some points. Rainflower was a terrible mom, and that wasn’t Goosefeather’s fault. If Rainflower hadn’t behaved the way she did, Crookedstar would most likely be much more happy and confident (and be named Stormstar). The whole Mapleshade thing was nothing Goosefeather could have guessed either.
The way he handled prophecies indeed was dumb and thoughtless and he was a pain in the tail, but I don’t think he deserves the Dark Forest because of that. He didn’t destroy Crookedstar’s life (that was Rainflower and Mapleshade) and he didn’t kill Moonflower (that was Hawkheart). I believe the Dark Forest is for truly evil cats with a desire to hurt others, a description Goosefeather doesn’t fit.
Oh my god sorry for the rant I don’t even like Goosefeather welp
Awesome article anyways Tempy!! :DD
I would just like to point out that this actually might have been the first article I ever wrote back in August and my writing styles and opinions have VERY much changed. This is a very informal/ranty article and I haven’t written any more😅 thanks to everyone for reading anyway!
Merry donutsmas to all, and to all a food night! 🍩🍩🍩🍩
conclusion: everyone in warriors is messed up