[a realistic half-body painting of Firestar in a forest]

Analyzing Firestar by Acornblaze

Acornblaze takes a look at Firestar.

[a realistic half-body painting of Firestar in a forest]
Art by aodesai
[a realistic half-body painting of Firestar in a forest]

Hello! It’s Acornblaze here with another article, and today I thought I’d analyze Firestar himself. As possibly the most well known character in Warriors he has a lot of fans. I think, overall he is a great character, and had a great arc, so let’s get into it.

Firestar was born as a kittypet to Nutmeg and Jake. He never seems to think about them, or even mention them. Maybe he doesn’t remember much about his childhood, because the Twolegs separated him from his parents so early? He also had Princess as a sister, and was half siblings with Sox, Ruby, and Scourge. Anyway there isn’t too much to say about his early days.

Once he found his way into the forest and became part of ThunderClan he was apprenticed to Bluestar. I really like his relationship with her, he seemed to really trust her and respect her. I also like his friendship with Graystripe, Graypaw at the time, and Ravenpaw. It was fun to see them playing around and being apprentices, which we don’t get to see much anymore in the newer books. I also think it was relatable when Sandstorm and Dustpelt bullied him, adding a new dynamic into the story. And I also loved Yellowfang, her humor and grumpy personality toward Firestar as an apprentice was so lovable. 😛

As a Warrior
Fireheart was a basic name, but it does fit him. And I liked Cinderpaw being his apprentice, they seemed to be really close, it’s still sad she got hit by a monster. 🙁 I also loved the scene when Firesheart saved Sandstorm from falling into the gorge, and she realized he wasn’t a useless apprentice. Anyway, a solid warrior overall.
He saved the clan many times, from Tigerstar’s dogs, BloodClan, and even led them through the great battle with the Dark Forest. Overall, all four clans would be lost without him. I think his friendship with Tallstar was cool, it was nice to see ThunderClan and WindClan getting along for once.😛 Overall he was a good leader. Maybe even one of the best ever.

Fire x Spotted
This I see as a childhood crush, I don’t see him ever really being with Spottedleaf for three reasons: 1. She was a medicine cat, 2. She was wayyyyy older than him, and 3. She’s dead (I know so shocking 😛), well more so that she died so early they had like one, maybe two conversations before she died, and this is not enough for me to even consider them as a ship. Then she keeps visiting him and I feel like it just gets obsessive in a way. And it turns out she loves him so much she sacrifices herself to make him happy by saving Sandstorm, and it was pointless because he died like 10 seconds later. I like Spottedleaf, but I don’t ship her with Firestar.

Fire x Cinder
No, does anyone else think it’s weird for mentors and apprentices to become mates? I think it would just be better if Cinderpelt didn’t marry her teacher. I like them as friends, and do not ship them.

Fire x Sand
Yes, I love this one. It was cool to see them as enemies and then slowly learn to appreciate each other. I do think that this ship was a little rushed, and if we just forget about the drama in Firestar’s Quest it is perfect! I love their kits and they seemed to work really well together, and truly love each other.
Now for the last part of this article: Is Firestar Overrated?
No, I don’t think so. He saved so many cats, and saved all four clans multiple times. He was a great leader, and I think he was well written. I don’t even think many people like him that much, I don’t know many people who say he is their favorite cat. He’s what started this whole series we love and enjoy. And I do think he has a bit of a basic character after TPB, but besides that what is there not to like?

So in conclusion is he my favorite character? No, but he’s a solid top 15 for me. Thank you all for reading and I’d love to know your opinions in the comments!

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