Rosefern shares some thoughts on Ashfur and Shadowsight.
![[Shadowsight sitting with a ghostly Ashfur behind him]](
[Shadowsight sitting with a ghostly Ashfur behind him]
Hello BlogCats! Welcome to another article by me! It’s Rosefern incase you couldn’t tell, and today I’ll be theorizing (and just generally rambling) about Shadowsight and his involvement with Ashfur.
Note some of this info might be wrong since I haven’t read Broken Code in a while and I don’t want to check, so I’m just gonna go ahead and ramble and hope y’all understand me 😛
So right now I’m thinking of Shadowsight (or Shadowpaw? I don’t remember) being hurled off a cliff by Ashfur’s ghost. Why did he do this? Well, we don’t know (or at least, I don’t think we do), but any cat’s guess is that it was Ashfur’s way of punishing him for blabbing too much. It makes purrfect sense, right? It explains why the Impostor tried to stop other cats from searching for him, with reasons that make no sense at all. And it actually works in Ashfur’s favor that StarClan was sealed off at that time (which, by the way, he did before because he’s the worst), because otherwise Shadowsight would’ve gone to StarClan and told all of StarClan and then they would’ve tried to kill Ashfur, and Ashfur didn’t want that to happen, now did he? But instead, Shadowsight was stranded as a ghost, wandering around the forest with Spiresight. Random sidenote, why was Spiresight there anyways? It probably said somewhere but I don’t rememberrrrrr so I guess I’ll just wonder for now. Oh and also, he can teleport! Yay!☺️
Anyways, was it really just Ashfur trying to punish Shadowsight for this one thing, or was there more? I think the latter. Allow me to rewind…*cue dramatic storytelling music*…
Shadowsight had random visions all his lifemy question (for now) is, were they all from Ashfur? I have some ideas on why that would be reasonable.
Is it a coincidence that a cat is born to get random visions, when other cats just get visions when they go to the Moonpool and whatnot, and then, less than a year later, a dead criminal possesses a cat and tries to destroy the Clans to make his ex sad?
Random sidenote: I’m really glad Ashfur didn’t actually get a mate. If he’ll go to TBC lengths just because he overreacted about a relationship, imagine if he actually got a mate, and then ofc found something wrong with them. what would happen then?
Okay, so, Shadowsight gets random visions. Okay. Ashfur could’ve been plotting his evil plot since before TBC, before Squirrelflight’s Hope, even. Maybe, when Shadowkit was born, Ashfur somehow knew that Shadowsight as a full-grown warrior—er—medicine cat, would be part of the patrol that kills him, and wanted him out of the way.
So Ashfur sends Shadowkit a vision to try get him out of the way. Shadowkit and Tawnypelt go to the Tribe and do whatever they do in Tawnypelt’s Clan. They come back, so Ashfur tries to make Shadowsight drown. That doesn’t work, so he stews for a while, and then decides that he’s gonna try work with Shadowsight and trick him. It works, for a while, and then Shadowsight finds out and tries to conspire against him! So then, do you know what he does, o clever Ashfur? He throws Shadowsight off a cliff, and this, my friends, is why. StarClan loves to remind us that we can’t change our destiny. Shadowsight is destined to kill Ashfur. This is Ashfur’s last desperate attempt at changing that. Oh and that also explains how Shadowsight lost his connection to StarClan, he didn’t have one in the first place!
One last thing I’d like to say is, am I the only one who thinks it’s an extremely mouse-brained idea to put a cat outside on the frozen moor, even if StarClan says so?
“Anger flared in Spottedleaf’s amber eyes. ‘When will you realize that StarClan doesn’t know everything?” she snarled, lashing her tail. ‘Sometimes we have questions, too!Sometimes we’re just cats, like you!’” (Sunrise, page 109).
Ok that was random, but it does basically prove my point.
StarClan loves to tell everyone (or at least imply) that they’re all-knowing and wise and that purrfect and everyone must listen to them. But if someone approaches them about their abundance of flaws and inconsistencies, they’re suddenly “just normal cats”. How does that work? I don’t know, but that’s a subject for another article. Bottom line is STARCLAN DOESN’T KNOW EVERYTHING!!! And all the cats all knew StarClan was gone, so how is Shadowpaw so special that he is the only one that can communicate with them? Short answer: he’s not. Even before we find out he doesn’t have a connection to StarClan, I know it’s a bad idea because guess what? If you put a cat out in the snow overnight, it will probably it may reduce fever, but you don’t have to be a med cat to know it can also cause severe hypothermia and frostbite and probably other things too. Shadowpaw should’ve known that. Just because he trusts this disembodied voice from beyond (who may or may not be super sus) with his life now, doesn’t mean he shouldn’t put aside common sense.
And I hope you enjoyed this chapter of “Mouse-brained Medicine Cats: a history”!
That’s the end unfortunately, I hope you enjoyed my being weird, I’ll totally be doing a mouse-brained medicine cats article, have a good day byeee!
Great article!
Great article! Also, Spiresight was there because he saved Shadowsight as a kit from falling into a river on their way back from twolegplace!
Ok cool 😀
That was a great article! I loved the purrfect puns!
Nice article Renda!! :DD
Great article!:D
Cool Article!
Great article Renda!
I am the #2 biggest shadowsight fan also um like um uh uh um i defently read the acrticle hehehehehehe
Hi Bouncingblink. If you want to share your fave characters, you can head to the Sunning Patch ^^
Nice article! Love it! I totally agree!