[Spottedleaf examines a gloqing turquoise orb to her left]

A Quick Overview and Discussion of Spottedleaf’s Heart by -Flamesong-

-Flamesong- goes over Spottedleaf’s Heart.

[Spottedleaf examines a gloqing turquoise orb to her left]
Art by Rainingskittles
[Spottedleaf examines a gloqing turquoise orb to her left]

Hi, I’m -Flamesong-, and I’m giving you an article about Spottedleaf’s Heart. I read it about a year ago, and I think it’s well… I don’t really like it, but I think that this is a topic that I want to discuss.
Spottedleaf’s Heart is partly a book about a relationship between Thistleclaw and Spottedpaw. Yes, Spottedpaw (Spottedleaf) and Thistleclaw. I’m just warning you that not only does this article contain spoilers for Spottedleaf’s Heart, I’m gonna also warn you that this article and the book contains a relationship with a pretty big age-gap (in my opinion) that is suggestive. If you are uncomfortable with this topic, please leave this article.
Overview –
When Spottedleaf was a kit, she was really eager to be a warrior (yay), and she sets her heart on it. When she becomes a apprentice (obviously a warrior apprentice) Spottedleaf (back then Spottedpaw), Thistleclaw is keen on her in a romantic way. Spottedleaf (again, back then Spottedpaw) starts to fall in love with him too. Thistleclaw was abusive and mean to her, so she slowly realizes what a fox-heart Thistleclaw is. One day, Thistleclaw takes her to the DF (dark forest) and tries to drag her into the wickedness, too, but she refuses, stands up/rejects his offer and they break up. After this, Spottedleaf (Spottedpaw) trains to become a medicine cat, apprenticed to Featherwhisker, the medicine cat at the time. Spottedleaf became a medicine cat because she wanted to escape him and was scared of Thistleclaw.
Discussion –
Now I’m not gonna go into details. First of all, all of this happens after Snowfur (Thistleclaw’s mate) dies, and seeing him move on, after both cats loved each other so dearly, makes me think whether Snowfur was betrayed. And second of all, Spottedleaf is a good cat. Nothing in this book should ruin her reputation at all. She was a fierce cat, standing up for what she believes in. Spottedleaf even stood up to Bluestar (Bluefur at the time). But she’s still compassionate and kind. Third, why would there be topics like this in a kids series? I can only think of one thing: people started thinking that Thistleclaw wasn’t too bad of a cat after Bluestar’s Prophecy so Spottedleaf’s Heart was created to make Thistleclaw seem more cruel. Fourth, it’s also kind of weird in another way because of Spottedleaf kind of does the same thing without being abusive and cruel with Firestar (Firepaw at the time) and their whole relationship. Fifth, my take on the book. I don’t think it’s essential to the plot at all. Like, if you take this book from the series, and rip every single copy of it, nothing big or small in the series would be changed, except useless and disgustaaang knowledge about Spottedleaf’s life when she was younger. I don’t like the book, and I recommend you don’t read it too, because it’s futile and stains the Warriors Saga. This book has a reputation for the worst, and I’m not suprised.
Soooooo, with that, Spottedleaf’s Heart’s rating is 0/5. 0/10. -999999999999999/0. Yes, I dislike it that much. I leave you with a note that consists of a message that says, “Have a good day/night. -Flamesong- out!”
https://i.quotev.com/ea7beeztaaaa.jpg (the art was made by LaikaRaccoon)

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