[a full-body design of Goosefeather laying down and looking off to the side]

Top 5 Most Mouse-brained Medicine Cats by Rosefern

Rosefern lists medicine cats who made poor decisions.

[a full-body design of Goosefeather laying down and looking off to the side]
Art by Cat-Patrisiya
[a full-body design of Goosefeather laying down and looking off to the side]

Hey BlogCats! It’s Rosie, and I’m here with my promised article: Mouse-brained Medicine Cats!
So in my recently released Shadowsight and Ashfur article, I chatted about Shadowsight and how dumb he was listening to the Impostor. I decided to take at the 5 medicine cats, in my oppinion, who were the most mouse-brained. Here goes!
#5 Moth Flight
I feel like Moth Flight has no personality in her super edition, and she’s always so mean when we see her in StarClan. But she’s also a hypocrite. She had a mate and kits and then decided to make a rule against it to keep other med cats from suffering. But she’d already broken that rule and I bet if another tom like Micah came around she’d probably break it again. But in StarClan in Squirrelflight’s Hope, she considers sending Leafpool to the Dark Forest for breaking her rule that she made after doing the exact. Same. Thing!!!!!! Literally, she’s like “I made that rule for a reason. Because I broke it too.” So she makes a rule that she’s already proven she can’t even follow, then yells at anyone else in range for also breaking it. Grow up, Moth Flight!
#4 Shadowsight
I already explained this in my Ashfur and Shadowsight article. Shadowpaw heard this voice that kept telling him things, and then showed him how to “heal” a leader from a different Clan. Shadowpaw is not special (well maybe he is) he cannot communicate with StarClan when no one else can. And I’m sure he should know that when you put a cat out in the snow for a long time, said cat will be too cold and that will do the opposite of help. And also some of the older cats didn’t agree with Shadowpaw’s idea at first but what did Shadowpaw do? He insisted. He should’ve listened to them because they were right! Stop being so naive, Shadowsight!
#3 Leafpool
Leafpool fell in love with a cat from another Clan and the rest is history. I don’t ship Leafpool X Crowfeather, and I really think it was a terrible decision. Also I’m biased because I don’t like Leafpool. Correction: I despise Leafpool. And the only reason she’s number3 not number 1 is because people—er—cats have done way worse.
#2 Yellowfang
Yellowfang is a prime example of why medicine cats shouldn’t have kits. She had kits with Raggedstar and had 3 kits: Hopekit, Wishkit, and Brokenkit. Also Brokenkit killed Wishkit 🙁 anyways Brokenkit ended up becoming Brokentail and almost destroying the Clans. Just a disclaimer: I refuse to call him Brokenstar and here’s why. His name was Brokentail when he died. When he went to the DF though he changed it back to Brokenstar. That’s why he is (and always will be) Brokentail to me. But when Brokentail got with the DF and started training cats and plotting to destroy the Clans, when StarClan needed Yellowfang most, what did she do? She resorted to grief. (Quick disclaimer: this is just my oppinion on what happened to Yellowfang you guys may have others and that’s ok) i do know she blamed herself (as she should) for Brokentail being evil, and that made her mad and she gave up and forced the rest of StarClan to do the same. Stupid Yellowfang!
And number 1 is…drumroll please…………………
#1 Goosefeather!!!!!!!!!!
Hate. Goosefeather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is my second least fave character, right behind Rock. He is the worst!!!!!!!!!!! First of all, he is the whole reason the whole of Crookedstar’s Promise happened. If he hadn’t knocked a KIT into the river (when he was on RiverClan land; I know that doesn’t matter for med cats but it’d still be nice for him to respect that!), Stormkit wouldn’t have broken his jaw and been neglected. If Stormkit (now Crookedkit) hadn’t been neglected, Mapleshade wouldn’t have come to him. If Mapleshade hadn’t come to him, Crookedkit/paw/jaw/star wouldn’t have lost everybody he loved and had a generally bad life. In other words, Goosefeather ruined Crookedstar’s life. That’s not his only problem though. He also had a serious problem: he caused the death of Nightkit, Mistkit, Moonflower and probably others, because of his incompetence. Raiding WindClan and destroying their herb supply is against the medicine cat code I’m pretty sure, so StarClan wouldn’t have told him to do it. The Dark Forest might’ve, but that’s a different article for a different day. Also he handled the Tigerkit situation really badly. He really should-ve helped Leopardfoot, and then the kits, when they were struggling. That’s what a good medicine cat would do, but obviously Goosefeather is not a good med cat so he didn’t do any of that. Okay hope you enjoyed my rant 😛
That’s the end of this article, I hope you enjoyed, and tell me what you think of these horribly mouse-brained cats in the comments, as well as any others I didn’t put here. *Rosefern out*

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  • Great article, but I disagree with some of your points.

    Moth Flight didn’t follow her own rule because the rule wasn’t created yet and neither she nor anyone else knew the consequences of medicine cats having mates and kits (I think that Moth Flight was right to make the medicine code, as I explained in an upcoming article that you convinced me to make, lol). I do think that Moth Flight was too harsh on Leafpool for breaking her rule.

    I understand Shadowsight falling for Ashfur’s manipulations because he thought that StarClan was somehow able to do what Ashfur said they would. He thought this because the Clans put religion over any kind of basic logic or morals- a dilemma that I elaborated on in another upcoming article. He was conditioned to listen to StarClan over any kind of common sense, which is why Ashfur was initially so successful in his plans.

    I don’t really blame Goosefeather for his actions following his novella because he was clearly not right in the head due to StarClan ruining his life with their curse.

  • Breezepaw/(flight)🍃🫧🌅’id like to be my old self again, but I’m still tryna find it ‘🫧🌅(she/her)💫 🍃breezo, breezy, breez💨 says:

    Great article! Don’t agree with the Leafpool one though! We need to see runningnose up there as well!

    • Yeah, Leafpool just felt pity for Crowfeather (I haven’t read TNP in forever) after his loss of Feathertail and that one dream I think she had,