[a full-body design of Princess looking up over her shoulder]

Analyzing Smudge, Henry, and Princess by Acornblaze

Acornblaze takes a look at the kittypets in The Prophecies Begin.

[a full-body design of Princess looking up over her shoulder]
Art by satzzzart (Twitter)
[a full-body design of Princess looking up over her shoulder]

Hello! It’s Acornblaze here with another article, and today I’ll be analyzing the kittypets in TPB. I haven’t seen anyone else do an article on these kittypets, so I figured I would. I grouped them all together, because I don’t think any one of them alone would be able to fill a whole article without making it a fanfic. So let’s start.

Smudge was a kittypet who was Firestar’s friend and the second cat ever mentioned in Into The Wild. I like Smudge, he’s a chill, nice, cat who just wants a simple life. And There’s nothing wrong with that. I don’t have too much to say about him, but I also haven’t read Graystripe’s Vowel or some of the other super editions he’s in, so I can’t say what he’s like in the books I haven’t read. But overall Smudge seems to be a loyal kind cat. I’d love to see a super edition about him, and some of the other kittypets going on adventures or dealing with the BloodClan cats.

Henry’s a plump tabby tom. And that’s about all we know about him. I’d like to think he’s a great storyteller because of the stories he told Smudge about wild cats. And it seems like he could hunt once too, as it mentions he caught a robbin. I’d like the idea of him joining WarriorClan, and becoming an elder. I don’t think Smudge would ever do this, as he is perfectly happy being a kittypet, but I wonder if Henry would. Anyway, I wish we knew more about him, but he seems like an old tom who’s good at storytelling.

I like Princess, she seems like a smart, respectable cat. I enjoyed her in the first arc but I always wonder why she didn’t give all her kits to ThunderClan. She knew they would be taken away from her anyway, but she could visit them if she gave them to ThunderClan. I would love to see a SE of Novella about her, and her siblings, maybe even her kits, facing some difficulty in twoleg place, like a flood, or their owners abandoning them. I could also see joining WarriorClan, because she seemed interested in clan life when she would talk with Firestar. Or here’s a far-fetched idea, maybe Princess and Smudge would fall in love and have kits!

Anyway, that’s all for today. Thanks for reading! Acornblaze out!

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