Today – January 19th – marks Sorrelpaw’s FIRST Clanniversary!!!! I’m so pleased I can celebrate this with you, Sorrel <333 You’re such a lovely person to be around, and I always enjoy seeing the way your bubbly and social comments radiate a warm light that adds so much more to this community. 💜

For your Clanniversary, I’ve decided to make it rain cookies! /j It’s the least of what you deserve, and there will be plenty for you and all your Blog friends <333 Enjoy!!!
Here’s some questions for you to answer, if you feel up to it 😀
What’s your favourite memory of your time on the Blog? Are you going to celebrate your Clanniversary in any way? What’s your BlogClan purrsona, and do you have any art of them?

Happy Clanniversary Sorrelpaw!
Happy Clanniversary!!!
Woohoo!! Happy Clanniversary, Sorrel! 🥳
Happy clanniverary!!!!
Happy clanniversary Sorrel!!
Thank you so, so much!
For the questions:
My favourite memory is probably when I won the writing contest – I had been slowly looking through the runners up and when my name wasn’t there, I assumed I hadn’t won anything. So it was a massive surprise when I scrolled down and saw my name in first place! (I kinda screamed and my parents came running up to see if I was alright 😛😛😛)
I celebrated by dancing round the house and ignoring all the incredibly weird looks my family were giving me 😛
and I admit that at one point me and my too big collection of soft toys were having an epic party but shhhh don’t tell anyoneAnd finally, my BlogClan purrsona is still Sorrelpaw/splash the brown tabby she-cat with one white paw and green eyes (which actually hasn’t changed since my first day here!). Fun fact: I actually played one of Willowdawn’s buddy meter style things about 2 days before I joined BlogClan, as ‘Willowsplash/Sorrelsplash wants to join blogclan’ 😛
Happy clanniversary, Sorrelsssssssss! We haven’t talked in a while but you’re always such a sweet and pleasant BlogCat and you’re awesome to be around. PS. Silv I absolutely love your the thing in your bio! was it from a Taylor Swift song?