Onyxpaw comes up with possible names Frostpaw may end up with.

[a full-body design of Frostpaw from the side]
I saw and read Olivepaw’s article about this topic and thought “Sounds cool. I kinda want to try.”
Just like theirs, there will be spoilers
Let’s just hop right into it.
Frostshine- After Willowshine who sadly died trying to deal with the whole Ashfur thing. It’s a pretty name and holds special meaning to Mothwing and most of the current Riverclan cats. Con(s)- Frostpaw MIGHT constantly be comparing herself to Mothwing’s previous apprentice.
Frostwillow- also after Willowshine, it’s a unique name and sounds alright. I think there’s Plumwillow (ThC) and that’s really it.
Frostfeather- after her mother. You see Crowpaw/feather requested his suffix after Feathertail so why couldn’t Frostpaw have her’s be after Curlfeather. Now I know that (Spoiler.?) Curlfeather was evil and all but she’s still her mother. Cons- It MAY remind the rest of Riverclan what Curlfeather did.
Frostwhisker- Reedwhisker, who got murdered by (cough)Splashtail(cough) and started the whole leader crisis I think Frostpaw should be named after him. He’d have made a great leader just like his mother.
Frostheart- The Suffix means loyal, brave, will, compassionate and strong morals. Frostpaw is all of that! I think this is a perfect Suffix for her so I don’t really need to add any cons :p
Frostlight- A tribute to her mentor Harelight who was sadly murdered by SOMEONE (cough) Splashtail (cough) and perhaps the Lights in the Mist?
Frostwing- As a tribute to Mothing her other mentor who is now training Curlfeather’s brother, Podlight!
She could also be Frostfoot as a memory to Mistystar(foot)
I briefly considered Frostfur as a callback to Stonefur (Mistystar’s brother)
The final name I thought of was Frostclaw, after her father Jayclaw.
I sorta want to go back to the first name Frostshine. Particularly the “shine” part. Imagine how surprised Hollyleaf must’ve been. There she is hunting a mouse and suddenly a familiar pelt shows up. It’s Willowshine! But how? She was so young! (yes I know she’s older than Hollyleaf but still!) Willowshine tells Hollyleaf about Ashfur and how she was tragically killed by him. Holly is stunned by this and feels bad for her old friend.
Toodaloo fellow Blogclanners!
Great article!
Great article!!
Frostpaw’s name ended up being FrostDawn! I love FrostWIllow, though.
I love the name Frostlight! Frostdawn’s canon name’s pretty too, but I find it a little awkward to say 🥴
Good article! I don’t wanna give away any spoilers…but she’s gotten her name by now 😛
Yeah, I’ve read the book. I thought that her new name was a great fit for her!😁
Well I’m pretty sure this article was written before Star came out lol
I kinda wanted to see if Onyxpaw ACTUALLY predicted her name would be Frostdawn…
Great article, I like the names
Great article! I’ve always enjoyed the name Frostwillow
Great article! It’s fun to see it after Frostpaw (no spoilers lol) got her name!
these are all great but [SPOILERS] none of them are her real name lol
Great article! Although I have read star but I don’t like Frost paw’s name. Frostdawn’s Chinese name is AWFUL!!! I prefer Frost feather or Frost pool. But I don’t like the idea Frost paw is named after some cat. If she does, than better named after her mother 😀
Totally agree! Her Chinese name IS very bad, both in looks and in sounds. But the English form is ok, I guess……
Great article!! I haven’t read ASC but tbh I think Frostdawn is kinda lame and doesn’t really sound good either. Frostwillow would be cool tho!! :DD
I haven’t read Wind or Star yet, but thanks you lot spoiling it I now know her name/jk. I like spoilers anyway >u<. I like the name frostshine and frostwillow!!! Frostdawn is a bit of a tongue twister lol