[Ivypool with red-lit forest behind her sits beside Dovewing with a starry sky behind her]

My Opinions on Ivypool and Dovewing by Autumnrose

Autumnrose shares their thoughts on Ivypool and Dovewing.

[Ivypool with red-lit forest behind her sits beside Dovewing with a starry sky behind her]
Art by LttleGhost
[Ivypool with red-lit forest behind her sits beside Dovewing with a starry sky behind her]

Hello everyone! It’s Autumn! Your favorite sarcastic and lazy blogger. Here to talk about one of Blogclan’s biggest debates. Dove vs. Ivy…. And my complete opinions on em!
First of all, starting out strong, Dovewing is an annoying brat and Ivypool is a depressed rat.
Let’s start with… their lives.
Dovewing is a ShadowClan warrior under Tigerstar’s leadership in the lake territories, previously a warrior of ThunderClan under Firestar’s and Bramblestar’s leaderships. Dovekit was born to Whitewing and Birchfall alongside her sister, Ivykit. Jayfeather and Lionblaze realized she was the Third cat in the Kin of your Kin prophecy, having the ability to see and hear far from her natural limits. As Dovepaw, she was mentored by Lionblaze and went on a journey, making jealousy spark between her and Ivypaw. During the journey, she fell for a ShadowClan warrior, Tigerheart, and the two grew close after. When she became a warrior, Dovewing ended her relationship with Tigerheart, but the feelings for him remained. Though she grew close to Bumblestripe, a cat from her own Clan, she did not feel the same way he felt about her. (copy pasted from dovewing wiki)
So first of all… No. Just… No. I think she’s a well adjusted character with a little decency to make it off my “most hated cats list” But… she’s very …. meh.
Ivypool is the current ThunderClan deputy under Squirrelstar’s leadership in the lake territories. Ivykit was born during Firestar’s leadership to Birchfall and Whitewing, along with her sister Dovekit. She was apprenticed to Cinderheart as Ivypaw. Because of her powers, Dovepaw received special attention from some of their Clanmates, which made Ivypaw grow jealous. She was recruited by Hawkfrost to train in the Dark Forest to become a better warrior, but learned of their true intentions and became a spy for Jayfeather and Lionblaze. She received her warrior name, Ivypool, and became a warrior of the Dark Forest after killing Antpelt. During the Great Battle, Ivypool fought with the Clans and managed to convince multiple Dark Forest trainees to switch sides, but failed to convince Breezepelt who informed the Dark Forest leaders of Ivypool’s betrayal. After, Ivypool took the oath of loyalty to the Clans along with the surviving trainees, and she mended her relationship with Dovewing.

So let’s see things from dove’s POV.
You’re a new apprentice. You’re eager to learn! You love your family and friends and are basically a nice popular gorl. Suddenly you realize you’re different from your peers. You have… SUPER SENSES. You find out part of a prophecy that was created on the first dawn ever. You’re mentor is an OP boss cat Lionblegh and your other mentor is a physic blind doctor who can time travel, Jaybae- Jayfeather. You get welcomed into the leaders’ den 24/7, you have good friends, your family supports you and yet your emo/goth sister is sick of you. U try to reason but she doesn’t wanna hear, what she calls, “Your Nonsense.” Then one day ur sucked into a love triangle, choose the obvious choice (The forbidden lover), blah blah blah, have kits, blah blah blah, run away and come back.
Now lets see things from Ivy’s POV
Ur sister is better than you at everything. She’s the popular girl who’s invited to prom every time, while ur sitting in your dorm eating flamin’ hot cheetos trying not to cry watching K-dramas. your sister is everyone’s favorite and u always come in second place like a loser nobody. Suddenly, u see ur sister being invited to join the blegh warrior and the best med cat’s SeCrEt SoCiEtY. She’s being invited to the leader’s den, she’s always being secretive, and she’s hated by 85% of the Fandom. Suddenly, ur sucked into an awesome demon dream club where you learn to violently murder your enemies. Then one day ur shipped with hawkie by 50% of the fandom, blah blah blah, u have a perfect husband, blah blah blah, get married, have kids, blah blah blah, hate ur sister and shun her away.

Now lets see their motherly skills.
Dovewing’s motherly skills.
Tbh Ig she’s a relatively good mom. She definitely has favorites tho, *COUGH COUGH shadowsight COUGH COUGH*. I do think she coulda been more fair with her kids. I know she was more concerned abt shadowsight because of all the seizures and dark and gorey visions and what not, but I just wish she showed much more attention to her other kits after all that happened. Maybe behind the scenes she is motherly and fair to all of her kids, but idk. for all we know, she could still be favoring Shadowsight more than pouncestep and Lightleap. And its annoying to me because we know basically EVERYTHING abt Shadowsight, we vaguely know Lightleap, and we know absolutely nothing about Pouncestep.

Ivy’s motherly skills.
Basically the same abt dove’s motherly skills. I think she’s kinda better. She loves all of her kits equally and she loves her remaining 2 kits more since… The INCIDENT. She is caring and loving toward bristlefrost (not saying dovewing wasn’t) and she loves her other kits equally. AS A MOTHER SHOULD! I think she’s a better mom bc she knows what its like to be shunned away and always in second place, so i like to think she wants all of her kits to feel like they can always be in first place if they put their mind, heart, and soul into it. Also, we actually know abt Flipclaw and Thriftear!

Now for their relationships.
Dove’s love interest.

I really dont like Tigerdove. I feel like it took too long and it just kinda spawned with no warning… Like we got no hints of romance between these two on the journey. It just popped up for no reason and, thanks to that, half of the fandom despises Dove whilst the other half loves her. Also one thing that stuck out to me in tigerheart’s shadow, was that when they were at the church and Tiger was saying how he was worried about shadowclan, Dove said these EXACT WORDS
Tigerheart stared at Dovewing. Was she planning to take their kits to
ThunderClan? His belly tightened. “I’m ShadowClan’s deputy. I can’t just join
another Clan.”
“But I can?” Dovewing shot him a
look. “Besides, are you sure there’s a
ShadowClan to go back to? Didn’t you
say it might disappear? Who knows what
might have happened while we’ve been
And this is like NEVER talked about! She literally doesn’t care about Tigerheart’s concerns! This kids, is what we call a toxic relationship moment. And he’s so annoying cause she’s just SO CLINGY AND ANNOYING!!!

Ivy’s Love interest

Ivyfern is alright…. (aside from the fact they r third cousins) But they’re really good together. Idk why but when i think of thee two, I think of a stay at home dad who tucks his kids in and reads them bedtime stories and actually come back from getting milk, and a military general mom who, when is off duty, runs a cat cafe with her family. Idk why. I_I But I think this is a good couple and I like they’re family

Overall opinion:
I think both balance each other out. Dove as the family favourite and pretty popular girl and Ivy as the cool emo/goth girl. Although if I had to choose, I would choose Ivy. IDK i just relate to her more. Anyways this is just my opinion, but my opinion is odd. Welp… uh Peace out.

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