Pebblepaw finishes up their ranked list of the protagonists of Warriors.
![[Shadowsight sits while holding herbs]](
[Shadowsight sits while holding herbs]
Last article, I ranked nine of the eighteen protagonists. This article will cover the last nine. Tell me in the comments if you agreed with these! (Also, I realized I completely forgot about DotC so this is the modern clans protagonists lol)
9. Hollyleaf
Okay, so here’s a fan favorite! I was OBSSESED with Hollyleaf for the longest time when I was reading PoT, and I still love her! She is a very well rounded character with realistic flaws! She is obsessed with the warrior code, so much so that she wanted to kill Leafpool for breaking it. She just couldn’t handle the fact that her birth had destroyed the code, and that made her act impulsively. (Like killing Ashfur, who is a whole other story) I really liked how she wanted to be a strong warrior and maybe even become leader, but also wanted to have a family. I’m so glad she and Leafpool can be mother and daughter in StarClan!I loved her friendship with Fallen Leaves, and maybe they’ll meet again in the afterlife!
8. Violetshine
Violetshine is so underrated! She’s much more interesting than her sister and I love her and Tree together. I felt so bad for her when she was treated like an outsider in ShadowClan, and she was just amazing for being a spy from inside Darktails group! I wish after AVoS she had been more of a character than just ‘Rootsprings mother’ but I realy like her!
7. Squirrelstar
Similarly to Leafpool, I loved Squirrelstar when I was reading TNP and I still do! Despite what most people think, I don’t think her character was ruined when she became a warrior. Sure, she’s not as reckless and hot-headed as she used to be, but she still kept her character base. She had to mature, she couldn’t keep her apprentice personality forever. She made the right decision helping Leafpool and raising her kits, although lying to Brambleclaw wasn’t the best choice. She definitely deserves to be leader and I can’t wait to see what she does!
6. Rootspring
First of all, this poor guy did NOT deserve to lose Bristlefrost. He’s really sweet and adorable and I lovee himmm! (The Firestar possessing him thing was weird, like I wish it would have been a moment for Rootspring) He is just so sweet and lovable! Him crushing on Bristlefrost as an app was hilarious and I loved the way his crush started bc she saved him. I just love him and I’m glad he’ll get a part in the Ivypool Super edition. When I’m writing this (august 23, 2024) it hasn’t come out yet)
5. Jayfeather
I love Jayfetaher so much, ngl. I totally related with him because people though he wasn’t capable of stuff though he got through it just fine. His grumpy sarcastic comments were just the funniest and his relationships with Briarlight and Alderheart were really sweet! His part in the POT prophecy was really cool, how he reunited StarClan! I hope he’ll get to stay ThunderClan’s medicine cat for much longer and maybe have another larger role in the series to come!
4. Ivypool
I love Ivypool! She is AMAZING! Okay so she literally had to deal with her mouse-dung sister Dovewing being treated all special while she was forgotten and left behind. She didn’t deserve it! It made her feel so terrible that she was LURED TO THE DF for StarClan’s sake! Then, after realizing actually these cats are bad, SHE WAS TOLD TO STAY THERE AND SPY! She literally risks her life every time she takes a nap like bro- Then, she was an AMAZING mentor for Twigbranch and a great mother to her kits even though she didn’t stay in the nursery like a traditional queen. I love her and Fernsong together! I’m so excited for her super edition!
3. Bristlefrost
First of all, ERINS WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Okay I’m good now 🙃. Anyways, I love her so much. I literally cried when she died! AND HER LAST THOUGHTS WERE SO CUTTEEE AHHHHHH. I wish so much that she could have just shoved Ashfur down and gotten back up, or Rootspring could’ve jumped in and been able to save her. She was such a great warrior and she died so young. She deserved SO MUCH MORE 😭
2. Alderheart
AHHHH I LOVE ALDERHEART SO MUCH!!! Okay first of all, he’s a million times better than Sparkpelt and I love his personality. He has the perfect balance of flaws and positive traits that make him such a real character! He’s way braver than he gets credit for and I think he and Needletail should have had more time to develop their friendship. He’s such a great medicine cat and the relationship between him and Jayfeather is really sweet and kind of funny. I wish he had played a bigger role in bringing SkyClan to the lake but I get why he didn’t. I think he and Shadowsight should actually become besties, they’re LITTERALY platonic soulmates. (Also I have a weird love for nervous, self-doubting characters COUGH COUGH-Alderheart-COUGH-Shadowsight-COUGH COUGH) I just really love him, so I’d better stop here before I start rambling.
And finally, the one you’ve been waiting for……
1. Shadowsight
OH. MY. STARCLAN. I LOVE SHADOWSIGHT SO MUCH. He is just the best! He has such similar flaws to me that looking at him is (almost) like looking in a mirror. So first of all, STARCLAN CURSED ASHFUR TOOK ADVANTAGE OF HIM AND RUINED HIS ENTIRE KITHOOD, APPRENTICESHIP, AND YOUNG-MEDICINE CAT HOOD *Breathes heavily* Okay I’m gonna stop myself there before I go on a pages-long rant about Ashfur 🙃 But it’s true, his entire kithood he had traumatizing visions that came with SEIZURES. Then, in his apprenticeship, the fate of a cats life was placed on his tiny shoulders. He then killed Bramblestar on accident, which would forever make him feel terrible because it was kinda his fault Ashfur was able to get to the clans. Then, he has a vision of the “codebreakers”, ONE OF WHICH IS HIS OWN MOTHER! So after living through everything in TBC up to book 5, he is already pretty traumatized. He’s been manipulated by Ashfur his entire life, all because he was a good cat trying to do his best as a medicine cat. So, he feels HE has to be the one to go into the dark forest because it’s “his fault” Ashfur was lose. (I will forever hold a grudge against the cats who made him feel that way, *COUGH COUGH-MOTHWING-COUGH-LIONBLAZE-COUGH) Okay I need to stop doing that. ANYWAYS, he dreams his way into the df, and a couple traumatizing experiences later he returns to the living world, THEN PROMPTLY GOES BACK INTO THE DF TO HELP SAVE HIS COUSIN AND FRIEND. Then, Bristlefrost loses her ENTIRE EXISTENCE saving him, which adds yet another burden of guilt on to him. Then, he finds out he has to be a medicine cat with no connection to StarClan. So yeah.
Anyways, what did you think? This is my first article so I hope you all enjoyed!
good article! I haven’t got to some of them so I didn’t want to read that one I only read the rankings of the ones I know. But besides the ones I don’t know it was a great article overall!! This was a great first article!!
Edit: First?? :0
Great article! I love Shadowy as well :3 (also imo I thought the Firestar possessing thing with Rootspring was very funny)
I don’t agree for the most but cool article!
I agree with a lot of this! I think that Rootspring, Shadowsight and Bristlefrost all went through so much tragedy and they didn’t deserve all of that at such a young age but it was an entertaining read and a wonderful (if traumatic) way for the Erins to build up all of their characters, personalities and mindsets.
I agree with pretty much all the points except Jayfeather—Jayfeather was a bad, slightly toxic mentor to Alderheart who literally thought Alderheart was going to leave the Clan to be with a kittypet. Jayfeather’s just so—ah! I don’t know why, I just can’t stand him :PP But anyways great article!
Awesome article pebblesss! I love Shadowsight too, and I just had a thought while reading the bit about Firestar-possessed rootspring.
What if like Firestar still posesed him but then like left his body but rootspring didnt realise and fought well on his own? That could’ve made ALITM so much more interesting!
Great article Pebblepaw!
I’m not gonna lie I blame Shadowsight for Bristlefrost’s death…
He was a medicine cat who basically hid the whole battle then Bristlefrost sacrificed herself to save him like ummm WHY